Part of a flower
Learning outcomes Recognise the main parts of the flower and explain their purpose.
Female parts Pistol contains the female parts of the plants Stigma The receptive surface at the end of the style on which the pollen grains must land if they are to pollinate the plant, The surface is often sticky to retain the grains of pollen Style The organ joining the stigma to the ovary. The purpose of the style is to place the stigma where it is likely to be brushed against by pollinating insects thus transferring the pollen. Ovary The part of the carpel that contains the ovules. The ovary has a thick wall which after fertilisation has taken place, develops into the fruit.
Male parts Stamen Contains the anther and the filament Anther The part of the stamen in which pollen is produced Filament The stalk of the stamen which attaches to the receptacle. The anthers are held on a filament to increase the chances of pollen being transferred to pollinating insects There can be a number of stamen and they are usually arranged in a ring around the carpels
Cont…. Petal A thin leaf organ, often brightly coloured, that surrounds and partially protects the sexual organs. The size and colouring of flowers is to attract pollinating insects. Wind pollinated flowers have much less significant flowers as they do not need to have some visual attraction. Sepal A leaf like organ, usually green, that protects the flower bud prior to it opening. After the flower has opened its function is finished and it may fall off Receptacle The top of the pedicel that supports other parts of the flower
Student individual activity On your hand out try to label the flower parts