connect a DC-Motor with an arduino
If you want to move a robot you need a motor. In this lesson, you will learn how to control a small DC motor using an Arduino and a Motor Driver Module. You can’t connect the motor directly to a port of a microcontroller like an arduino. The small DC motor is likely to use more power than an Arduino digital output can handle directly. If we try to connect the motor directly to an Arduino pin, there is a high probability that it could damage the Arduino.
How connecting? Press the button (left) and write down the DC-Current per I/O-Pin
How connecting? Write down the DC-Current per I/O-Pin and press the button (left)
Write down the Unloaded Current and press the button (left)!
? I = 20 mA I = 40 .. 60 mA And now? Press the button (left)
! The solution I = 20 mA I = 40 .. 60 mA Motor Driver Module Press the button (left) Connect the components