End Read—Pg. 262 Read through “The Roman Empire” then STOP. 1’s: Internet Researcher (Search “The Roman Empire” on your phone and write down one key fact you find. Also, write down the website address.) 2’s : Topic Illustrator (On your daily work page, draw a picture that relates to the information on page 258-259. Explain how it relates to what you read.) 3’s: Questioner (Create three test questions from what you read, and also add the answers.)
Rome’s decline continued until a series of poor rulers left Rome in a position to be invaded by Germanic people to the north that the Romans considered to be barbarians. In 330 A.D. Emperor Constantine moved the capital of Rome to Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople.
End QARs Who is believed to have founded Rome around 800 B.C.? What type of political system was established after Roman tyrant rule? Who moved the Roman Empire to Byzantium in 330 A.D.?
QAR Answers Where can the roots of democracy be traced to? Athens, Greece What were the two most important Greek city-states? Sparta and Athens What were upper-class advisors known as? Aristocrats Pericles of Athens inherited what type of period in which his empire was powerful and wealthy? A Golden Age Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are examples of what? Philosophers Who is believed to have founded Rome around 800 B.C.? Latins What type of political system was established after Roman tyrant rule? Republic Who moved the Roman Empire to Byzantium in 330 A.D.? Constantine
End After—3-2-1 3—Things you already knew. 2—Things you learned 1—Question you still have.