Paraguay Population: 6,9 million (2016) GDP growth rate: 3,4% (2016) Income per capita (2016): 4.279 (US$ current) Poverty rate (2015): 22,2%; Extreme poverty rate (2015): 9,9% Inequality (Gini Coefficient): 0.49 (2015)
Temperature (average): Max: 28,5º C Min: 18,2º C Sustainable Development background information: a) Climate and Geography Period 2011-2015 Temperature (average): Max: 28,5º C Min: 18,2º C Precipitation (anual): 1.563 mm Source: Meteorological and Hydrology Direction (2017)
Sustainable Development background information: b) Water Uses: -Electricity production -Human and animal consumption -Irrigation Access: -Urban: 92,10 % -Rural: 80,66 % -Total: 87,55 % Source: Permanent Household Survey 2016
Sustainable Development background information: c) Energy Primary energy supply (2015): Hydroelectric (68,4%), Biomass: (32,6%) Energy demand (2015): Biomass (42,6%), Petroleum derivatives (39%), Electricity (18,4%) Electricity access (2015): 99,3% Source: Viceministry of mines and energy 2017
Sustainable Development background information: d) Land (use) Paraguay has 2 regions: Región Oriental: 13.442.282 ha Pasture: 52% Crops: 25% Mountains: 13% Other: 10% Región Occidental: 14.644.612 ha Pasture: 61% Mountains: 33% Source: Ministry of Agriculture (2016) Other: 6% cattle raising (2016): around of 14 million head of cattle Source: National Agricultural Census 2008 Crops Production hectares Soya bean 9.163.030 tn 3.370.000 Corn 5.152.320 tn 960.000 Cassava 3.168.800 tn 182.000 Wheat 1.144.000 tn 520.000 Sugar cane 6.708.000 tn 120.000
Main objectives of relevant sectoral policies Energetic politics: 1. Ensure energy security with criteria of self-sufficiency, efficiency, minimum cost, with socio-environmental responsibility, that accompanies the productive development of the country. 2. Ensure access to quality energy for the entire population with attention to consumer rights. 3. Use national sources of hydroelectricity, bioenergy and other alternative sources and encourage the production of hydrocarbons as strategic resources to reduce external dependence and increase the generation of greater national added value. 4. To consolidate Paraguay's position as the axis of regional energy integration based on the sustainable use of its natural resources and its strategic geographical location. 5. To promote, in the population, the understanding of the importance of energy and its sustainable use as a factor of integral development.