Oculomotor Nerve, Trochlear Nerve Abducens nerve Dr Kifah Alubaidy
Anatomy & function Brainstem Intracranial course
Orbit Oculomotor Nerve Trochlear Nerve Abducens nerve Somatic Motor: Superior, Medial, Inferior Rectus, Inferior Oblique diplopia in all directions except looking to the side of affected eye Visceral Motor: Sphincter papillae Loss of pupil reflex Trochlear Nerve Somatic Motor: Superior Oblique diplopia due to eye drifting upward, when looking down) Abducens nerve Somatic Motor: Lateral Rectus diplopia in looking to the side of affected eye
Extraocular muscles Inferior oblique moves eye up when it is in an adducted position; also extorts the eye. Superior oblique moves eye down when it is adducted; also intorts the eye.
Pupillary reflex
Oculomotor Nerve Ptosis Eye down and out Diplopia Loss pupillary reflex