Welcome to 7th/8th Grade Art Leota Middle School 2017-18 Syllabus Justine L. Hurley l Room #623 l jhurley@nsd.org l 425-408-6553 This course is filled with projects and activities that will boost your critical thinking habits, improve your collaborative participation, grow your creativity, and develop your communication skills. The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. - Pablo Picasso GUIDELINES FOR SUCCESS Work to your potential Be kind to everyone Communicate problems with teacher immediately Don’t procrastinate Check your online progress reports often Be yourself, and keep your attitude positive Art is a serious discipline --- take it seriously WHAT TO EXPECT A variety of art media and projects Elements and principles of art Art critiques Art history Art vocabulary Self-evaluations I close my eyes in order to see. - Paul Gaugin RULES No electronic devices or ear buds in class Conserve art supplies Clean up after yourself Respect your neighbors; do not touch other’s artwork Follow directions Stay on task during work periods Arrive on time, and ready to begin
Please sign and return for 5 points. Policies & Procedures CHEATING If cheating occurs on tests, students will need to re-take a different test at another time. Student will lose 10% of their final score as a penalty. If cheating occurs a second time, students will be given a zero for that test. Plagiarism as it pertains to art: artists borrow ideas from each other, but they create their own works. ABSENCES/TARDIES If a student is absent, they will receive an extension on due dates. It is the student’s responsibility to get the late work turned in. If they fail to do so, their grade will reflect this. If tardies are excessive, I will discuss the problem with the student to resolve this. ELECTRONIC DEVICES Cell phones have become increasingly problematic for a variety of reasons. In an effort to promote a safe, equitable, and academically rigorous classroom environment, personal electronic devices (including cell phones, iPods, mp3 players, cameras, ear buds, games, and similar) are not allowed in this classroom, as per the Leota Student Handbook, page 14. Consequences for violating this policy are as follows. For the first offense, the electronic device will be kept in the office until the student retrieves it after school. For the second offense, the device will be kept in the office, and an infraction will be issued. After two offenses, parents/guardians will need to retrieve the device from the office after school, and a detention will be issued. Chronic offenses may result in additional progressive discipline. In the event that parents or students need to be in contact with each other, there is a telephone available in each classroom and in the main office. MISC. Classroom standards for art can be found at the following link pages 59-69. http://www.k12.wa.us/Arts/Standards/2017/VisualArtsStandards.pdf Completed work will be displayed around the school until the end of the semester, at which time all displays will be taken down and sent home. REQUIRED MATERIALS: A binder, folder, or notebook to keep art notes and a pen or pencil. GRADES 20% Assessments/ Critiques 80% Projects lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Please sign and return for 5 points. Parent Signature _____________________________________________________ Date ____________ Student Name _____________________________________ Period ___________ Date ____________