Activity Filled Week
Essential Information for Parents / Carers When? Who? Why Cost? Inclusive? Clothing? How? Help? Tuesday May 2nd to Friday May 5th 2017 Year 5, JM, SB et al PSHE, Leadership, Teamwork, Respect, Responsibility Approximately £250 all inclusive Transport, Marle Hall Leaders, Food etc., Basic kit / Clothing List £50 non-refundable deposit + payment card Contact Admin / JM
A Typical Day at Marle Hall 7.00 am Wake up!!! Tidy your room and fill your flask Duties; weather forecast, laying the tables Breakfast and collect your lunch Meet your instructor and pack for the day Activities Return from activities and put kit away Tea and cake and duties: clean lunchbox and flask Dinner Evening activities Supper Bed and lights out! 7.30 am 7.45 am 8.00 am 9.00 am 4.30 pm 4.45 pm 6.00 pm 9.00 pm 10.00 pm
Arriving at Marle Hall….... Text Message https://woodloes.eschools.co.uk Arriving at Marle Hall…....
Other Stuff! Silly hats…..
Don’t forget to collect your child! JM On Friday May 5th about 5.30 pm JM