Welcome to Title 1 Night!
Parent/Teacher Communication Monthly Homework Calendar & Notebook: BLUE folder (NIKI) = Weekly notes, information, work samples*(please read over all, & return the “return to school” side. Sent home weekly (Thursdays). Reading logs are on the back of your child’s planner. Planners will be sent back & forth daily ($10 supply fee if not yet paid). Monthly Homework Calendar & Notebook: -Sight word/math practice homework. -Monthly fun projects
Dog Paws During the day students have the chance as a class to receive “dog paws” from other teachers around the school for good behavior . When the students get 10, 25, 50 or more paws they will be rewarded! Make sure you ask your child how many dog paws the class received when they get home from school.
Let’s take a look at… …are you connected?
Letterland We LOVE Letterland! Letterland is our core phonics curriculum It teaches letter names, sounds, blends & so much more! Let’s travel to Letterland!
Daily 5 Daily Five is a literacy structure that teaches independence. It consists of five tasks. Children work on building their stamina until they are successful at being independent while doing that task. The five tasks include: 1. Read to self 2. Read to someone 3. Listen to reading 4. Work on writing 5. Word work Purpose of Daily 5 When all five tasks have been introduced and the children are fully engaged in reading and writing activities, the teacher is able to work with small groups and confer with children one on one to help with specific skills.
Kindergarten Expectations for Literacy -Recognizes all letters upper and lowercase. -Identifies all letter sounds -Makes all letter sounds -Identifies and generates rhyming words -Blends word parts together to make a word -Demonstrates beginning reading skills -Demonstrates listening comprehension
Math Investigations Philosophy: Hands on approach for children to explore and learn math by investigating with peers in centers and whole group activities.
Kindergarten Expectations for Math -Counts to 100 -Consistently represents a number of objects, up to 20 using numerals -Counts objects to 20 -Estimates quantities -Represents addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, or equations within 10 -Consistently decomposes numbers less than or equal to 10 -Consistently adds and subtracts fluently within 5 -Identifies 2D and 3D shapes -Identifies likeness and differences between two objects -Sorts objects in more than one way -Consistently solves word problems within 5 -Describe weight and length of objects using appropriate vocabulary. ***You can pull up KCS kindergarten rubrics on the KCS website to see all common core standards ***
Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop is a teaching technique that invites students to write by making the process a meaningful part of the classroom curriculum. Writing is an expected activity on a daily basis. Students are exposed to the organization and thought required to create a story or write about a favorite topic. For Kindergarten students, whose skills will greatly vary, the goal is to more pre-emergent/emergent readers into the writing process by eliciting a story from drawing, recording the student’s words in dictation form on the drawing and encouraging the student to move from drawing to writing by guiding the student in use of phonetics to sound out words. Focus Skills Story Planning Think Aloud Pair Share ( partner brainstorming) Revision and Editing Direct Instruction in the mechanics of grammar Author’s Choice: students celebrate writing
Kindergarten Expectations for Writing -Draws a detailed picture -Focuses on a topic -Writes simple sentences -Prints all uppercase and lowercase letters -Writes a complete sentence using word wall words, beginning and ending sounds, spaces and punctuation correctly -By the end of kindergarten students should be able to write a simple story and an opinion piece
Thank You For Coming! Please do not hesitate to contact me via Dojo, email, or phone here at school. Thank you for partnering with me this year to help grow your child’s love of learning!!! Have a wonderful evening, Ms. D.