DA NANG DISABILITY COORDINATION GROUP Presentation to the Agent Orange Working Group Meeting October 26, 2010 Hanoi
Outline Introduction Key members’ operation: Vietnam Assistance to the Handicapped Save the Children East Meets West Foundation Coordination framework
Donors/NGOs Coordination in Danang Coordination group includes NGOs, donors, local government and organizations and people with disabilities. Approximately 20 NGOs are working in the disability sector in Danang. Donors: USAID, Ford Foundation, Irish AID, UN Medium or small scale (under $500,000/year). NGO Coordination mechanism established, open to all NGOs.
VNAH - Project Objectives Strengthened rehabilitation services Center-based Community-based Referral system Improved quality of life and social inclusion Improved capacity and resources of local service providers
Expected Results Increased DEMAND for Expanded ENGAGEMENT Increased ACCESS to market-oriented employment & entrepreneur development services & resources Improved QUALITY & RELEVANCE of employment & entrepreneur development services & resources Increased DEMAND for employment and entrepreneur development services and resources Expanded ENGAGEMENT of local government, private sector, & communities
Program Framework for Strengthening and Providing Sustainable Access to Local Services to PWDs (focusing on Children with Disabilities) in Danang Objective 1: Provide comprehensive direct assistances to PWDs Objective 2: Build capacity of the support network for PWDs Training on Strategic planning Disability screening Physical therapies/Rehab CBR technical capacity Education support to CWDs Corrective surgery CBR units
Mapping NGOs/organization working in the disability sector in Danang PROJECT AREAS ORGANIZATIONS Advocacy VNAH, WV, VVAF, SC, IDEA, UNICEF, USAID, Irish AID Policy/Laws VNAH, UNICEF, USAID Research/Survey VNAH, WV, EMW, COV, VVAF, SC, UNICEF, USAID, FF, Irish AID Health Provision of service WV, UNICEF, Fred Hollows Early identification WV, COV, UNICEF Surgery/assistive devices VNAH, EMW, VVAF, WV, COV, AIFO, UNICEF, NLR Rehab/CBR Other health service VVAF (mental health) Capacity building
Mapping NGOs/organizations working in the disability sector in Danang (continued) PROJECT AREAS ORGANIZATIONS Education/early childhood Inclusive Education EMW, COV, UNICEF, WV, FIDA Special Education CoV, HI, UNICEF Capacity Builiding EMW, CoV, UNICEF, WV, FIDA, HI Protection Support to protection centers UNICEF, EMW Legal assistance/protection IDEA Social work/case management CoV, EMW, VVAF Counseling/other Vocational education CoV, VNAH, SC, VVAF
Mapping NGOs/organizations working in the disability sector in Danang (continued) PROJECT AREAS ORGANIZATIONS Employment/income generation CoV, SC, VNAH, VVAF Livelihood/household VNAH, SC, CoV, WV Peer support/DPOs VNAH, SC, IDEA, VVAF, UNICEF Accessibility CoV, VNAH, SC, UNICEF
Purposes of the coordination group Coordinate projects’ activities: types of intervention; geographic sites; resources. Provide technical assistance to local authorities and organizations in planning and executing projects Information sharing Strengthen inter-agencies and cross-sectoral coordination and collaboration Ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of disability related activities
Mechanisms of work EMW-VNAH-SC Coordination agreement Activity mapping – joint annual work plan Monthly meetings Shared works Cross-referral Da Nang-wide TOR Activity mapping 2 organizations co-chairing Bi-annual workshop Involved local partners Shared work: EMW and VNAH co-develop of the CBR mannual including social work skills Cross-referral: we refer the patients to each other 2 organizations co-chairing: last year VNAH and Unicef, this year EMW and Unicef Bi annual workshop: involving all agents working on disability in Da Nang – updates and sharing achievements, work plans, capacity building (training, news sharing) Involved local partners: 1 session for all international agents, then 1 session with local partners – Dofa, Dolisa, Doh, VAVA
Thank you very much!