central and south America Subtitle
Turmoil in Latin america Cuba Guatemala and El Salvador Nicaragua Brazil Chile Argentina and the Falkland Islands Haiti, Panama, Peru Venezuela Mexico
United States’ role Economic Imperialism resources industrialization import-substitution Social Changes socialist governments liberation theology urbanization
Conflicts in Latin america Guatemala CIA helped overthrow government of Jacobo Arbenz El Salvador government assassins killed Oscar Romero and led death squads Nicaragua Somoza ruling family were overthrown by Sandinista rebels who were challenged by US-sponsored Contras
Argentina Juan Peron took total control of the government in a coup He and his wife instituted many social programs that made life better for the common person Industrial and agricultural production slowed Free speech and fair elections were restricted
Argentina As he government struggled to meet the needs of the people they began to crack down with the “dirty wars” People taken from their homes and taken to detention centers to be tortured or killed Mothers protested for years Changes to government’s methods
passport NIcaragua argentina Who = Somozas, Sandinistas, Contras, Reagan/North What = internal civil war, external influence When = 1979, 1984 Why = economic and social policy differences, proxy war Who = Juan and Ava Peron What = socialism, dictatorship, democracy When = 1943, 1955, 1976, 1983 Why = trying to build strong, modern nation best for all people
brazil Foreign investment led to rapid building and modernity Industrial exports, farming, and mining grew quickly Frozen wages and hyperinflation led to protests Government crack downs with death squads, kidnapping, and torture
chile New president Allende spent liberally on housing, education, and health care Nationalization of foreign industry Production fell with food shortages CIA supported opposition groups Pinochet took over the junta in a military coup Expanded capitalist economy but strict control of society
passport Brazil chile Who = military rule to democracy What = investment, socialized economy, inflation, debts When = 1954, 1964, 1968-73, 1990 Why = government control, economic growth https://www.theguardian.com/news/2016/aug/31/dilma-rousseff- impeachment-brazil-what-you-need-to-know Who = Allende, Pinochet, CIA What = military junta, violence, censorship When = 1973 - 1990 Why = modernize the economy http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/11/world/americas/chile-coup-anniversary/
Military rule Haiti http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-37582009 Aristide reinstated as president when US threatened invasion. Poor country hit by devastating hurricane in 2016 Panama http://www.cnn.com/2011/12/11/world/americas/panama-noriega-extradition/ Strongman Noriega smuggled drugs through the country. The canal to be in his control in 1999. US troops arrested him and held elections Peru http://www.aljazeera.com/news/americas/2013/08/201381218124357220.html Faced with terror group (Shining Path) President Fujimori used dictatorial powers to clean up country and grow economy
venezuela Member of OPEC Populist leader Hugo Chavez Left-leaning policies and state ownership Questionable elections Anti-US rhetoric Death in 2013 http://www.biography.com/people/hugo-chvez-193225 Evo Morales in Bolivia Luiz Lula da Silva in Brazil FARC in Columbia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRwj43i53-U
mexico No dictatorship One-party system (PRI) Rigged elections Oil money and Corruption Rentier State Massacre in Tlatelolco Plaza Native protests in Chiapas Earthquake in Mexico City
mexico “Mexican Miracle” NAFTA Rise of PAN (second party) Privatization of economy Debt Reform Trade Illegal Migration Drug Trafficking Crime
passport venezuela mexico Who = Hugo Chavez, Maduro What = communist demagogue, declining welfare state When = 1993-2013 Why = leader in South America, corruption, social democracy Who = PRI, PAN What = Mexican Miracle When = 1927, 1980s, 2000 Why = Liberal democracy with real choices and no corruption
Nafta North American Free Trade Agreement USA, Canada, Mexico (21% of WGDP) Eliminate trade and investment barriers Increased investment (x2), trade (x4), work Lowered prices, government spending Competition for low-paying jobs Immigration and drug trade Changes? end it, reform it, expand it