4.3 Survey Report The Basic Capability of NMHSs In RA II (Asia) Preparatory Management Group Meeting for RA II-16 (MG-11)
PARTICIPATING MEMBERS IN RA II SURVEY Afghanistan* Hong Kong, China Kuwait Oman Tajikistan Bahrain India Lao People's Democratic Republic* Pakistan Thailand Bangladesh* Iran, Islamic Republic of Macao, China Qatar Turkmenistan Bhutan* Iraq Maldives Republic of Korea United Arab Emirates Cambodia* Japan Mongolia* Russian Federation Uzbekistan China Kazakhstan Myanmar* Saudi Arabia Vietnam Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kyrgyzstan Nepal Sri Lanka Yemen* * = Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Blue = Not participated 32 out of 35 Members participated in RA II Survey 2016 7 out of 8 Members of LDCs participated in RA II Survey 2016
SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Management Observing systems Telecommunications Data-processing and forecasting systems Natural disaster prevention and mitigation Climate, climate change and climate variability Agricultural meteorological services Aeronautical meteorological services Marine meteorological services and oceanography Hydrological forecasts and assessments Public weather services Partnership
Executive Summary Members maintain highly qualified staff with specialized training and have a structured training plan for professional, technical and supporting staff, but some Members feel the difficulty in maintaining such staff members; Some Members feel difficulty in carrying out regular maintenance of observation systems and employing qualified maintenance technicians; Most of Members are operating NWP system and use and interpret NWP products and implement automatic data reception, archival and data-processing; Members providing monthly and/or seasonal climate predictions have increased significantly; The number of Members implementing requirements for personnel by meeting competency for aeronautical meteorological services increased; The number of LDC Members implementing cost-recovery of services and quality management systems increased.