Implementation of (EU) Regulation no. 139/2014 ADR case study ROMANIAN CIVIL AERONAUTICAL AUTHORITY Implementation of (EU) Regulation no. 139/2014 ADR case study George LAZĂR Aeronautical Inspector Supervision Directorate Iași, 14.09.2016
1.3. PPA 139: 2016 – 2017 (transition/conversion) 2015 2016 2017 AP 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Arad V C1 C2 C3 Oradea Timisoara Craiova Suceava Tulcea Bacau Satu Mare Sibiu Cluj Baia Mare Constanta 13 Iasi 14 Tg. Mures 15 Baneasa 16 Otopeni Pilot ADR (Arad, Timișoara) Application for a certificate Estimated certificate issuance date Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion of ADR certificates Arad Airport 4C RWY: 09 – non-precision 27 – CAT II PAX: 2013 – 41.530 2014 2015 Timișoara Airport 4D RWY: 11 – CAT II 29 – CAT III PAX: 2013 – 754.454 2014 2015 Iași, 14.09.2016
Topics Pre-transition Transition Conversion Oversight ADR application for conversion Safety Assessments CAA audits Deviations Oversight IMPACT Iași, 14.09.2016
CAA certification audit C.A.P. Pre-transition ADR: Self compliance with existing Annex 14 based national regulation (RACR-AD-PETA) Process started in 2012 for all ADR Lack of proper documentation CAA certification audit C.A.P. Iași, 14.09.2016
Transition Compliance matrix CAA-ADR teams Identify all deviations in respect to IR/CS/AMC – R139 Proposal of the CB Relevant database for compliance demonstration Management tool for assuming the declaration of compliance CAA-ADR teams Coordinate all implementation aspects for every domain (CS/OR/OPS) Establish necessary compliance documentation Establish schedule for the compliance matrix Iași, 14.09.2016
Transition Corrective action plan Agreement on future CB Follow-up on open findings Evidence of implementation of corrective actions Agreement on future CB Based on the compliance matrix Agreement on deviations and safety assessment principles Preparation of application for conversion Proper documentation Agree on manner and form of application (described in PIAC-AD-139, Part I) Iași, 14.09.2016
Application for conversion Compliance matrix – lack of proper documentation AMC1 ADR.OR.B.015(b)(1);(2);(3);(4) Application for a certificate c) The applicant should identify the applicable CS (…) and provide the Competent Authority with evidence that the proposed design and operation complies with them. d) The applicant should provide the Competent Authority documentation to demonstrate how it will comply with the applicable requirements of the Basic Regulation, Part-ADR.OR, and Part-ADR.OPS, and any other applicable requirements that are matching the aerodrome design and its operation. situation assessed in compliance matrix does not fully reflects on-site status Compliance evidence Elements for which the maintenance objective could not be demonstrated Elements contained in the corrective action plan New requirements under EU Regulation For elements supporting a safety assessment Iași, 14.09.2016
Application for conversion Safety assessments Fewer safety assessments in respect to the number of deviations identified Defining the purpose of the study Incomplete documentation of associated risks Mitigation measures do not fully reflect the safety objective Lack of relevant database regarding occurrences Appropriate to the ADR characteristics Relevant for the type of aircrafts used Iași, 14.09.2016
Application for conversion Safety assessments [GM] The Competent Authority should evaluate the safety assessment and, in particular, make sure that: (1) the identified safety concern(s) has (have) been assessed through the safety assessment process and is (are) adequately documented. (2) an appropriate coordination has been performed between the parties affected by the safety concern(s); (3) the assessment covers the whole system and the interactions of its elements; (4) the hazards have been properly identified and the level of risk assessed; (5) the proposed mitigation measures are adequate and consistent with the objective of reducing the identified level of risk and the safety objectives, if relevant; (6) the timeframes of the planned implementation of the proposed associated actions are appropriate. Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion Operating conditions - LRAR Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion Operating conditions - LRAR Similar to those certified under national legislation RWY ensures conditions for landings at RVR > 350m Lack of turn pad/lights on turn pad Monitoring of RWY lights TWY B, C and D closed for operations Lack of proper visual aids for LVP conditions Strength of pavement very low Burden on maintenance activities Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion Operating conditions - LRTR Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion Operating conditions – LRTR Similar to those certified under national legislation RWY ensures conditions for landings at RVR > 350m Lack of turn pad/lights on turn pad TWY D, E, F closed for civil a/c operations Issues regarding property rights Used for military a/c Lack of visual aids Physical characteristics Maintenance objective can not be met Access from Apron to RWY on TWY B restricted Stop bar monitoring issue Low PCN for a portion of TWY Lack of safety assessment Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion Certification basis RCAA working group coordinates all Romanian ADR CBs Established for the type of operations requested in the application Proportionate to the ADR design Proposed by ADR -> established by the CAA -> notified to ADR Formally established upon submission of application for conversion Applicable CS Updated once deviations are formalized using ELoS and SC. Iași, 14.09.2016
Aerodrome Operator (AO) Acceptance Commission (AC) Certification Basis Aerodrome Operator (AO) Audit Team Acceptance Commission (AC) CB proposal (submission of application): Applicable CS Proposals for deviations acceptance (safety assessment) Demonstration of compliance Evidence of compliance with the notificated CB CB proposal evaluation: Applicable CS evaluation Other applicable CS considered by the CAA Identification of noncompliances and evaluation of safety assessments (cf. Annex 9, PIAC-AD-139, Part I) Incomplete: AO notification Complete: proposal to AC Establishment of CB: EloS SC CB notification to AO Evaluation of the measures assumed by the aerodrome operator in order to maintain an acceptable level of safety ELoS Deviations SC DAAD Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion Audit C1 (4-5 working days): Compliance with the established and notified CB Assessment of OR/OPS supporting documentation: Existence of relevant procedure Compliance of procedures with applicable requirements (R139) Implementation Compliance monitoring Identification of all deviations which require to be safety assessed Correlation of the existing C.A.P. with deviations identified under R 139 Update of the C.A.P. to reflect all of the above Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion Audit C1 – Output: LRAR / LRTR CS - 10 deviations to be reassessed ELoS – 0/0 SC – 1/0 DAAD – 9/10 Lack of documented evidences supporting the CB OR – no AltMoC proposal Allocation of responsibilities within the organization Update of organizational chart / job descriptions / training needs Formal arrangements with all third parties providing safety significant services on ADR (IFP designers, contract with the ANSP) Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion Audit C1 – Output: LRAR / LRTR OPS – no AltMoC proposal LVP approval ADR-ANSP coordination: Maintenance of instrumental flight procedures Common ADR-ANSP operational procedures Safeguarding of aerodrome Aerodrome data RFF services (proper training of personnel) Operations with higher code letter a/c Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion Audit C2 (3-5 working days) Audit C3 (3-5 working days) Implementation of the corrective action plan -> update Assessment of evidences provided by ADR for compliance with R139 Little progress on OR/OPS documentation Safety assessments for identified deviations partially finalized Coordination ADR-ANSP-CAA currently in debate at Ministry of Transport level Audit C3 (3-5 working days) After establishing all deviations (safety assessments accepted) ADR manual finalized C.A.P. updated Coordination ADR-ANSP Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion - Deviations Objects on runway strips [CS ADR-DSN.B.165] (a) An object situated on a runway strip which may endanger aeroplanes should be regarded as an obstacle and should, as far as practicable, be removed. (c) To eliminate a buried vertical surface, a slope should be provided which extends from the top of the construction to not less than 0.3 m below ground level. The slope should be no greater than 1:10. Objects identified: Drainage system elements Visual aids foundation Electrical system elements (cables housings) ILS protection poles/fence RWY/TWY intersections Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion - Deviations Objects on runway strips Identification of all buried objects in RWY strip Additional information needed for strip strength Identification of characteristics: Type/ purpose of object Depth of object Distance from RWY center line Can it be removed? Can it be buried more than 30 cm beneath strip level? Identify the safety significant objects -> immediate action of delethalization Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion - Deviations Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion - Deviations Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion - Deviations Objects on runway strips Arad Airport PAX: 2013 – 41.530 Agree on timeframe for mitigation of all buried objects (after conversion) Based on financial allocation assumed by the owner Reassessed when significant traffic changes occur Timișoara Airport PAX: 2013 – 754.454 Timeframe within the conversion period (November 2016) Iași, 14.09.2016
Conversion Timișoara Airport Arad Airport Center line lights until a/c stand [CS ADR-DSN.M.710] Lack of visual guidance (center line lights) to a/c stand Timișoara Airport 18 a/c stands (code C) TWY centerline lights until the apron Apron floodlighting DAAD At least one a/c stand must comply with lighting requirements (CAT III operations) Arad Airport 3 a/c stands (code C) TWY centerline lights from RWY to stop bar Apron floodlighting Distance from stop bar to a/c stand < 100 m DAAD Iași, 14.09.2016
Oversight cycle - AMC1 ADR.AR.C.010: the results of past certification and oversight activities; capability to effectively identify aviation safety hazards, and manage the associated risks; effective control over all changes; response time to implement corrective actions requested by the Competent Authority; risk exposure related to the aerodrome operated, such as traffic volume, type of aircraft or physical characteristics of the aerodrome Iași, 14.09.2016
Oversight Oversight: CAA audit programme according to oversight cycle: Implementation of corrective actions accepted by the CAA Implementation of management system / operational procedures: Compliance monitoring Personnel training SMS effectiveness ADR re-evaluation of safety assessments: Risks Effectiveness of mitigation measures Semnificant changes of traffic level / complexity of operations Iași, 14.09.2016
Operating conditions during the change are proposed by ADR operator Oversight Oversight: ADR change management: CAA prior approval: Affecting the terms of the certificate Affecting the Certification Basis Affecting the nominated personnel Operating conditions during the change are proposed by ADR operator and approved by the CAA. CAA notification: In compliance with the approved procedure from the Aerodrom Manual - AMC3 ADR.OR.E.005 Aerodrome manual - 2.2.10 management of change (including organizational changes with regard to safety responsibilities); Safety assessment Iași, 14.09.2016