5/25/20185/25/2018 "Performance Investigation Of Solar Thermal System Using Compound Parabolic Collector (CPC)" Poster No.: ME Jitendra Satpute ( Reg. No 132180047) Under the Guidance of Dr. N.P. Gulhane Department of Mechanical Engineering Abstract 1. Triangular absorber system, 2. CPC (Compound Parabolic collector), 3. Centrifugal Pump 4. Rota - meter, 5. Control Valves, 6. Storage Tank 2 3 4 6 5 An experimental investigation has been carried out to find performance characterization of compound Parabolic Collector (CPC) with triangular absorber, based on data in Mumbai, India (19.0216° N and 72.8646° E). the experiments are performed for different mass flow rates ranging from 30 LPM to 50 LPM.It has been observed that, thermal performance of triangular absorber system decreases with decrease in incident solar beam radiations. The experimental calculations were accomplished to explore the effect of changing mass flow rate on outlet fluid temperature and comparative results for maximum thermal efficiency. Fig.5: variation of fluid thermal performance of compound parabolic collector with Triangular absorber system Introduction Fig.2: schematic of Experimental set-up Planet is progressively marching towards a serious energy crisis. Consumption and prices of fossil fuels continuously increase. Adverse effect on environment, human health. Renewable energy as a alternative source . Solar energy as a one of the promising alternative energy source . The increase in outlet temperature or heat collected by working fluid depends on contact time between working fluid and surface of absorber. As the mass flow rate increases contact time reduces. When mass flow rate increases, the quantity of water in receiver increases. It enhances the heat transfer coefficient between heat transfer fluid and absorber. Hence more heat will be carried away by the working fluid from receiver. This results in increasing thermal efficiency of system. It is seen that in morning thermal efficiency start increasing reach to optimum value and then decrease in afternoon. It is mainly due to variation in solar radiation throughout the day. Advantages of CPC over Parabolic Collector No continuous tracking required. For lower concentration ratios- longer tracking intervals. Can also collect diffuse radiation. Conclusion The efficiency of the collector depends on solar radiation, change in mass flow rate. The thermal efficiency of system increase with increase in mass flow rate. The efficiency increases when mass flow of water increases from 30 lpm to 50 lpm. The maximum average thermal efficiency obtained is 41.4 % at 50 lpm. Compound Parabolic Collector (CPC) Fig.3: photograph of compound parabolic collector Performance analysis Aperture area(Aa) Absorber area(Aabsorber) Acceptance angle(2θa) Geometric concentration ratio Thermal Output: Thermal Efficiency: References S P Sukhatme, Solar Energy, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication. Mr. Yashawantha K M, Jawaz Pasha, Abdul Mujeeb M S, Performance Study of Compound Parabolic Collector for Solar Water Heater, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development Issue 3, Vol.4, (June-July 2013), pg. 487-495 Réné Tchinda, Thermal behavior of solar air heater with compound parabolic collector, Energy Conversion and Management Elsevier, 49 (2008) 529–540 J. BLANCO et al, Compound Parabolic Concentrator Technology Development to Commercial Solar Detoxification Applications, Solar Energy Vol. 67, 1999, Nos. 4–6, pp. 317–330 Experimental Results Fig.1: Construction of compound parabolic collector Experimental setup and procedure Paper Presented and Journal Publication To investigate the solar thermal performance of CPC system, experimental setup was as shown in figure. The experimentations were performed for different mass flow rate of water in Mumbai, India. The readings were recorded with half hourly interval from 10:00 to 15:30. . Sampling day shown was selected having favorable environmental condition. Throughout the experiments wind speed was observed to vary within 1-4 m/s Mechanical Engineering Graduate Research Symposium 2015 (MEGRES15) "Comparative Study of Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) Performance using Compound Parabolic Collector" at IIT, Mumbai, 2015. International conference on Environment and Energy (ICEE) "Performance investigation of Compound Parabolic Collector using Trinagular Absorber system" at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) India, 2014. Fig.4: variation of fluid outlet temperature of compound parabolic collector with Triangular absorber system