Focus: Students will analyze how to prevent HIV by abstaining from alcohol and other drugs. Goal: To understand prevention and abstinence. Standard: NHES #1- Health Promotion Warm-Up: Interview peer, record answers, and prepare to report back to whole class. How can you get HIV? What is a risky behavior that could lead to HIV? Create a critical thinking question.
4. Alcohol also affects a person’s reaction time and coordination. 5. Abstinence from alcohol and other drugs is a safe choice because no matter how often a person uss alcohol or other drugs, it only takes one exposure to HIV and STDs to be infected. SAFE CHOICES You can think clearly Can communicate clearly Less likely to be talked into a risk behavior Avoids sharing of “sharps”.
Stages of Alcohol or Other Drug Use Abstinence (NO USE) Experimental Use (No Set Pattern) More Regular Use (No Set Pattern but Social or Circumstantial) Daily Preoccupation
Group Work “What do young people need to learn about HIV and AIDS?” “If HIV is not airborne, how does HIV get transmitted?” “What are some behaviors that can increase one’s risk of getting HIV?” “What is the only 100 percent effective way to avoid sexual transmission of HIV or other STIs?” “How can people reduce the risk of the sexual transmission of HIV and other STIs?” “Can you name some STIs?”