Bloomington Public Schools Districtwide Achievement Report Including Challenge Index August, 2017
Districtwide MAP Reading Growth by Grade and Year
Districtwide MAP Reading Growth by Group and Year
Districtwide Elementary Q-comp Goal The percentage of all students enrolled October 1 in grades 1-9 in Bloomington Public Schools who achieve annual growth goals on MAP reading will increase from 54.2% to 57.2%;
Key Findings for MAP Reading The amount of Reading Growth on Measures of Progress (MAP) assessments increase to the highest levels in 3 years. All grade levels exceeded national norm growth in reading (which is 50%). Racial/ethic gaps persist with White and Asian students having higher learning rates than American Indian, African American and Hispanic students.
Districtwide MAP Math Growth by Grade and Year
Districtwide MAP Math Group Growth by Group and Year
Key Findings for MAP Mathematics The amount of Mathematics Growth on Measures of Progress (MAP) assessments increased from 2016-17 levels but did not reach 2015-16 levels. All grades except sixth exceeded the national norms in rate of math learning. Racial/ethic gaps persist with White and Asian students having higher learning rates than American Indian, African American and Hispanic students.
Districtwide MCAIII Reading Proficiency by Grade and Year* * Note: These data include MCAIII scores and are based on Oct. 1 Enrollment
Correlation of Challenge Index to Reading Proficiency on MCAIII (2017)
Districtwide vs. StateMCAIII Reading Proficiency by Grade and Year* * Note: These data include MCAIII scores and are based on Oct. 1 Enrollment
Districtwide MCAIII Reading Proficiency by Group and Year* * Note: These data include MCAIII scores for students enrolled on Oct. 1
MCAIII Reading Growth Bloomington Statewide
Key Findings for MCAIII Reading Proficiency on MCAIII Reading exams has stayed fairly stable over the past 4 years. Year to Year Growth on the MCAIII growth norms was greater for Bloomington than the State. Decreases at some grade levels were offset by increases in other grade levels. Racial/ethic gaps persist with White and Asian students having higher learning rates of reading proficiency than American Indian, African American and Hispanic students.
Districtwide MCAIII Math Proficiency by Grade and Year* * Note: These data include MCAIII scores and are based on Oct. 1 enrollment
Districtwide vs. StateMCAIII MathProficiency by Grade and Year* * Note: These data include MCAIII scores and are based on Oct. 1 Enrollment
Districtwide MCAIII Math Proficiency by Group and Year* * Note: These data include MCAIII scores with Oct. 1 Enrollment
MCAIII Math Growth Bloomington Statewide
Key Findings for MCAIII Math Proficiency on MCAIII Math exams has decreased over the past 4 years. MCAIII Math Growth was similar between Bloomington and Statewide totals. Decreases were most pronounced in Middle School and High School. Racial/ethic gaps persist with White and Asian students having higher learning rates of math proficiency than American Indian, African American and Hispanic students.