What? Where? When? Consolidate knowledge about sport


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Presentation transcript:

What? Where? When? Consolidate knowledge about sport

I-1.What did tennis players bat a ball with in early times? A a racket B a bat C palms of hands

I-1.They batted a ball with the palms of their hands. Historians believe that the game's ancient origin lay in 12th century northern France, where a ball was struck with the palm of the hand. Louis X of France was a keen player of jeu de paume (“game of the palm”), which evolved into real tennis,

I-2.What game was first played in 1891 in Springfield town in America? A football B basketball C hockey

The losers were sacrificed to the gods. I-2 It was basketball ...in 1891, the first game of basketball was played at what is now Springfield College. The game was invented by a Canadian, James Naismith, a physical education instructor, who envisioned "the time when Christian people would recognize the true value of athletics." He designed basketball to occupy a class of male students. The game attracted players and fans almost immediately. By 1936, basketball was included among the sports at the Olympic Games and is now played in 170 countries. The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame opened in Springfield in 1968.     An ancient version was played by the Mayan Indians of Mexico/Central America. The losers were sacrificed to the gods.

I-3.What players are there in a modern football? A 4 defenders, 4 half-defenders, 2 forwards, a goalkeeper B, 4 defenders, 2 half-defenders, 4 forwards, a goalkeeper C 6 defenders, 4 forwards, a goalkeeper

I-3. 4 defenders, 2 half-defenders, 4 forwards, a goalkeeper.

I-4. What game allows to have up to 17 players, only six of whom can play at the same time? A hockey B volleyball C basketball

I-4 It’s hockey There have been found ancient drawings on walls of caves and on rock faces that depict people hitting a ball with a curved stick. Such pictures date back as far as 4000 years in Egypt. The North American region known as Canada. The very first ever official nhl game was played December 19th 1917, the match was between the Montreal wonderers and the Toronto arenas, the first goal ever scored in the nhl was by Dave Ritchie of the Montreal wonderers, the Montreal wonderers won that game 10-9.

I-5. What game did British kings ban to play? A rugby B cricket C football

I-5 .It was football. Because in those days there were no rules and a lot of people were getting killed. In fact they played with pigs bladders! Henry VIII was running out of soldiers so he eventually banned them.

I-6.What game was called after the name of the city? A soccer B chess C rugby

I-6. It is rugby. Rugby has its origins in 1823 when William Webb Ellis took the football in his arms and ran with it. This was a gross violation of the rules of football at the time, but eventually developed into rugby Rugby is a form of football played with an oval ball. You play on grass and do a lot of running with ball in hand. Rugby is a market town in Warwickshire, England, located on the River Avon. The town is credited with being the birthplace of rugby football

II-1. Where did tennis come in 1878? A to Russia B to Italy C to England

II-1. to Russia

II-2. Where was ice-hockey first played? A in America B in Britain C in Canada

II-2. in Canada В городе базируется старейший и самый титулованный клуб НХЛ «Монреаль Канадиенс». There have also been found ancient drawings on walls of caves and on rock faces that depict people hitting a ball with a curved stick. Such pictures date back as far as 4000 years in Egypt. The North American region known as Canada. The very first ever official nhl game was played December 19th 1917, the match was between the Montreal wonderers and the Toronto arenas, the first goal ever scored in the nhl was by Dave Ritchie of the Montreal wonderers, the Montreal wonderers won that game 10-9.

II-3. Where do international tennis competitions take place? A in Montreal B in Wimbledon C in Manchester

II-3. in Wimbledon Уимблдонский турнир (англ. The Championships, Wimbledon) — старейший и наиболее престижный теннисный турнир, один из четырёх турниров Большого шлема. Проводится ежегодно в конце июня — начале июля в пригороде Лондона Уимблдоне. Продолжительность турнира — 2 недели.

II-4. Where is golf popular in Britain? A in England B in Wales C in Scotland

II-4. in Scotland

III-1 When were the Olympic Games banned? A in 1878 B in 1863 C in 394 A.D.

III-I In 394 A.D. The Byzantine Emperor Theodosius I banned the Games. Thirty years later he ordered the total destruction of Olympia’s temples.

III-2. When did Russia join the Olympic movement? A in 1952 B in the 19th century C in 1894

III-2. in 1952

III-3 When did Moscow host the 22nd Summer Olympic Games? A in 1980 B in 1996 C in 2000

III-3. In 1980

III-4. When were Goodwill Games organized for the first time? A in 1979 B in 2005 C in 1986

III-4. In 1986 created by Ted Turner The first Games were held in Moscow