Tang Xianzu meets Shakespeare East meets West: Tang Xianzu meets Shakespeare Bob
Content ● Why I Choose This Topic? ● Who Is Tang Xianzu? ● Comparison Between Tang Xainzu And Shakespeare ● Expectation Of China-UK Culture Exchange
Why I Choose This Topic? ● I am interested in drama,Eastern and Western.
Why I Choose This Topic? ● 2016, special year for Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu Tang Xianzu (1550-1616) Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Why I Choose This Topic? ● Introduce Chinese opera Peking Opera (京剧) 评剧 Kunqu Opera (昆曲) 京剧 Henan Opera (豫剧) 豫剧 Shaoxing Opera (越剧) 越剧 川剧 Sichuan Opera (川剧) 粤剧 Guangdong Opera (粤剧)
Who Is Tang Xianzu ? ● The greatest dramatist in China. Tang wrote four great dramas and hundreds of poems,which have been adapted into various China operas, and continuously performed until today.
Who Is Tang Xianzu ? ● The honest and upright official. Tang became a official when he was 34. Because of his forthright personality, he could not subject himself to the restraints of power. He resigned and returned to his hometown when he was 49. Live in the silt but not imbrued
Who Is Tang Xianzu ? ● The fighter against Feudalism . Throughout his plays, Tang showed a clear tendency toward democratic ideas and anti-feudalism,severely expose and criticize the darkness of society. To do this must have great courage like a fighter in Ming Dynasty.
Comparison Between Tang And Shakespeare Similarities ·Lived in the same age The mid-16th century ,old feudal Social and Economic order was being destroyed and a new capitalist society was being born. Middle Ming Dynasty Elizabeth I
Comparison Between Tang And Shakespeare Similarities ·Both are great playwrights Shakespeare is honored as “the father of Western opera” Tang is praised as “the father of Chinese drama”. The brightest star
Comparison Between Tang And Shakespeare Similarities ·The artistic expression is similar Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night's Dream Tang’s Four Dreams Of Linchuan
Comparison Between Tang And Shakespeare Differences ·The scope of influence Shakespeare’s Influence Tang’s Influence
Comparison Between Tang And Shakespeare Differences ·The social status Tang’s first identity is a politician Shakespeare is mainly a dramatis.
Comparison Between Tang And Shakespeare Differences ·The drama ending’s handling Tang’s works pay attention to a happy ending. Shakespeare’s work has clear definition and classification on tragedy and comedy。
Expectation Of China-UK Culture Exchange Exchange activities in past 5 years Kunqu Opera performs in London, 2011 Peking Opera performs in Edinburgh, 2013 British TNT Theatre performs in Beijing, 2015
Expectation Of China-UK Culture Exchange 2016, China-UK Year of Cultural Exchange This year, to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the death of Shakespeare and Tang, China and UK will co-sponsored many cultural activities. It will be a kind of luck for British and Chinese. Shanghai London
THANK YOU ! My e-mail: superstone5@163.com