SOUTH Park blocks STAMB Meeting, May 26, 2015
HistorICAL overview City’s oldest park – Daniel H. Lownsdale donated unimproved roadway for public usage in 1852. 1877: Landscaping starts (still not a ‘park’ until 1885) Landscape Design: Louis G. Pfunder Planted 104 Lombardy poplars and Dutch elms between Salmon and Hall. “Park Blocks, 1878,”Oregon Historical Society, OrHi 23454,
Park Blocks & Portland State 1960s Tour of buildings along the Park Blocks from SW Jackson to Market Street. Starting on the east side of the street moving north and then crossing to Park Ave West and travelling south. “Aerial of SW Portland Centered on South Park Blocks, ca. 1938,” City of Portland Archives,
For the more graphically oriented
Aerial of Portland State, ca. 1963
Sw park & Jackson 1964: Residence 2015: Native American Student & Community Center
Sw park & College 1964: Playground and Portland Community College Admin Building (formerly Shattuck Elementary School) 2015: Playground and Shattuck Hall
Sw park & Hall
Sw park & Harrison Looking South 1964: South Park Hall, phase 1 2015: Neuberger Hall Re-named in 1972. East addition completed 1969…
SW Harrison & Broadway 1964
Sw park & Harrison Looking North 1966: College Center 2015: Smith Memorial Student Union Re-named in 1969.
Sw park between Mill & Market 2 Sw park between Mill & Market 1 1966: Old Main 2015: Lincoln Hall Re-named in 1972. 1. Park & Mill Street 2. Market & Park Ave
SW Park between Market & Clay 2015: University Park Condos
SW Park & Market 1964: Apartment complex 2015: University Park Condos
SW Park between Market & Clay 1964: First Unitarian Church parking lot 2015: University Park Condos
SW Park & Market 2015: Park Avenue Cafe
SW Park between Market & Clay 1966: Vacant Lot 2015: Park Avenue Café Church is First German Evangelical (1438 SW 10th Ave)
Sw Market & Park Ave 1964: Parkway Manor Apartments 2015: Parkway Residence Hall Constructed & owned by Harry Mittleman in 1932. Acquired by Portland Student Services as PSU housing in 1969
Sw Park & Mill, 1964 1964: DCE addition 2015: XSB General Extension Division (GED) of OSSHE re-named in 1963 the Division of Continuing Education (DCE). Built in 1957, expanded in 1962. Acquired by PSU in 1976.
Sw Park & Mill, 1962 1962: GED addition excavation 2015: XSB General Extension Division (GED) of OSSHE re-named in 1963 the Division of Continuing Education (DCE). Built in 1957, expanded in 1962. Acquired by PSU in 1976.
SW Mill & Park Looking South 1962: Ione Plaza 2015: Vue Apartments Portland State planned on acquiring the Ione during the 1960s & 1970s but nothing beyond some concept drawings came of it. The President’s and other administrative offices were located here from 1955-1961.
SW Montgomery & Park, 1962 1 2 1962: Parkview Apartments 2015: Simon Benson House 1. Parkview next to Martha Washington Hotel for Young Women (now Montgomery Residence Hall) 2. Parking area next to Parkview facing Blackstone
SW Montgomery & Park, 1968 1968: Parking lot facing Martha Washington Hotel and Blackstone Apartments 2015: Simon Benson House, Montgomery, Blackstone
SW Harrison & Park 1962: Blackstone Apartments 2015: Blackstone Residence Hall Constructed & owned by Harry Mittleman in 1931. Acquired by Portland Student Services from Mittleman as PSU housing in 1969
SW Park & Harrison 1962: Queen Louise Apartments 2015: Millar Library Tree on the left is the Library’s beech tree. Constructed for Harry Mittleman ca. 1960s. Demolished 1969
SW Park & Hall 1962: Vedanta Society house 2015: Millar Library Tree on the right is the Library’s beech tree.
SW Park & Harrison 1980: Millar Library (pre-addition, aka Library West) 2015: Millar Library Tree on the left is the Library’s beech tree.
SW Park & Hall 1962: Parkhall apartments 2015: Peter Stott Center
SW Park between Hall & College 1962: Douglas Court apartments 2015: Peter Stott Center
SW Park between Hall & College 1962: The Savoy apartments 2015: Peter Stott Center
SW Park & College 1962: Duplex residence 2015: Peter Stott Center
SW Jackson & Park 1964: Park Plaza Apartments with playground in foreground 2015: Park Plaza Apartments
PARK MALL DEVELOPMENT 1972: City of Portland and PSU collaborate to close the park blocks to through traffic and update landscaping and hardscaping. 1974: Phase 2 of the Park Mall Development project commences. The phase added more benches, signage, sculptures, and other features to the Park Blocks “Park Blocks Re-Development, 1972,”