Mark 16: 9 From whom did Jesus cast out seven demons? #1 Mark 16: 9 From whom did Jesus cast out seven demons? A. James the Less B. Salome C. Mary Magdalene Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Mark 1: 13 How long was Jesus in the wilderness, tempted by Satan? #2 Mark 1: 13 How long was Jesus in the wilderness, tempted by Satan? A. Three days B. Seven days C. Forty days Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Mark 11: 21 What happened to the fig tree that Jesus cursed? #3 Mark 11: 21 What happened to the fig tree that Jesus cursed? A. It withered away B. It bore fruit C. It fell down Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Philippians 3: 3 What are we to have no confidence in? #4 Philippians 3: 3 What are we to have no confidence in? A. The Bible B. The flesh C. The traditions of the elders Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Colossians 2: 9 For in Him dwells all the fullness of: #5 Colossians 2: 9 For in Him dwells all the fullness of: A. Life B. The spirit C. The Godhead bodily Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Mark 7: 27 “It is not good to take the children’s bread and:” #6 Mark 7: 27 “It is not good to take the children’s bread and:” A. Keep it for yourselves B. Throw it to the little dogs C. Offer it as a sacrifice Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Mark 12: 10 The stone which the builders rejected has become: #7 Mark 12: 10 The stone which the builders rejected has become: A. The chief cornerstone B. A stumbling block C. A millstone Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Colossians 3: 17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all: #8 Colossians 3: 17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all: A. As an example to outsiders B. In the name of the Lord Jesus C. Heartily, as to the Lord and not to men Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
C. Legion: for we are many #9 Mark 5: 9 What was the name of the unclean spirit who possessed the man who had his dwelling among the tombs? A. Beelzebub B. Lucifer C. Legion: for we are many Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Philippians 4: 13 I can do all things through Christ: #10 Philippians 4: 13 I can do all things through Christ: A. Who strengthens me B. Because He lives C. Because He loves me Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Philippians 2: 3 Let nothing be done through: #11 Philippians 2: 3 Let nothing be done through: A. Envy B. Selfish ambition or conceit C. Conflict Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Mark 6: 48 When did Jesus go out to His disciples, walking on the sea? #12 Mark 6: 48 When did Jesus go out to His disciples, walking on the sea? A. At sunset B. At sunrise C. About the fourth watch Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Mark 13: 10 And the gospel must first be preached to: #13 Mark 13: 10 And the gospel must first be preached to: A. All the nations B. The Gentiles C. Every creature Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
#14 Mark 8: 36 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his: A. Life B. Family C. Soul Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
#15 Mark 15: 15 Whom did Pilate release to the crowd because he wanted to gratify them? A. Peter B. Barabbas C. James Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
#16 Colossians 1: 7 Who was a fellow servant and a faithful minister of Christ on the Colossians’ behalf? A. Epaphras B. Paul C. Philemon Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Colossians 4: 14 Whom did Paul call the “beloved physician”? #17 Colossians 4: 14 Whom did Paul call the “beloved physician”? A. Luke B. Demas C. Epaphras Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Mark 9: 11 Who did the scribes say must come first? #18 Mark 9: 11 Who did the scribes say must come first? A. Isaiah B. Elijah C. Ezekiel Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
A. Because he had great possessions #19 Mark 10: 21 – 22 Why was the man sad and went away sorrowful when Jesus said to him, “Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor”? A. Because he had great possessions B. Because he was poor and had nothing to sell C. Because his father was very wealthy Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
A. Apostles of Jesus Christ #20 Philippians 1: 1 How did Paul identify Timothy and himself in the greeting of Philippians? A. Apostles of Jesus Christ B. Disciples of Jesus Christ C. Bondservants of Jesus Christ Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Mark 4: 4 What happened to the seed that fell by the wayside? #21 Mark 4: 4 What happened to the seed that fell by the wayside? A. The birds of the air came and devoured it B. It withered away C. It was choked out Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
A. He who says “there is no God” #22 Mark 3: 29 Who never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation? A. He who says “there is no God” B. He who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit C. He who doesn’t study for Bible bowl Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
B. Very costly oil of spikenard #23 Mark 14: 3 What did a woman pour out of an alabaster flask onto Jesus’ head? A. Water B. Very costly oil of spikenard C. Wine Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
#24 Mark 2: 26 Who was the high priest when David went into the house of God and ate the showbread? A. Aaron B. Moses C. Abiathar Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1
Colossians 4: 10 Who was the cousin of Barnabas? #25 Colossians 4: 10 Who was the cousin of Barnabas? A. Mark B. Timothy C. Paul Note: Background may change. Animations are set as they will be used. Answer spaces are locked next to the corresponding color. Do not ungroup. To create a new slide, select the slide on the left panel (under where there are tabs that read, outline, or slides). Copy (ctrl c) and paste (ctrl v). This will create a duplicate and then changes can be made on the new slide. If you have any questions, email Jason Hart Round 1