Accept the study of Job as personally important. Live right out of fear of the Lord.
Resisting Satan’s Attacks • Lesson 3
I. Scene One in Heaven (1:6–12) A. Dialogue begins (1:6–8) B. Satan’s accusations (1:9–11) C. God’s response (1:12)
II. Scene Two in Heaven (2:1–7a) A. Dialogue begins (2:1–3) B. Satan’s accusations (2:4, 5) C. God’s response (2:6) D. Satan’s action (2:7a)
Study the Bible diligently. Praise God consistently. Ask God for His grace to strengthen your faith. Tell others about God’s goodness. Type text here. Type text here.
Accept the study of Job as personally important. Live right out of fear of the Lord. Defeat Satan through faith in God.