Consumer Economics Chapter 9 Health and Wellness Issues Copyright©2009 Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
Learning Objectives Explain the complexity of the subject health and wellness Discuss the reasons why fraudulent health claims are rampant List ways to reduce health care costs Explain the market for cosmetics and the reasons people use them Discuss medical malpractice insurance issues Discuss addictions and the related consumer issues of health, safety, advertising, and cost
Introduction Health and body issues are complex and expensive The average American lives in a healthier environment than in the past Well-being requires the cooperation of individuals, the government, and private companies
Wellness and Well-being Wellness is the ability to live life fully with optimal health and vitality, including physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual interpersonal, social, and environmental well-being Well-being is the state of being healthy, happy, or prosperous.
Wellness contains six components Physical wellness Emotional wellness Intellectual wellness Spiritual wellness Interpersonal and social wellness Environmental or planetary wellness Consumer health involves decisions about health care, and lifestyle.
Fraudulent Health Claims vs Science Fraudulent health claims range from minor issues to life-threatening ones Why do consumers buy obviously fraudulent products? Real science vs. “junk science” Consumers need to have scientific literacy
Government Agencies & Health Care Tasks Human development index and cost of care Medicare and Medicare fraud Brand name drugs and generic drugs Imported drugs, doctors online, biologics
Health Challenges Malpractice insurance Vaccines and bioterrorism Tanning Botox
Medical Devices, Treatments, and Procedures Cosmetics Labeling Hypoallergenic products Organic Beauty Tooth whiteners
Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption Alcohol – colorless, pungent liquid is an intoxicant Fetal alcohol syndrome causes serious birth defects Tobacco is addictive
Chapter Summary Healthy People 2020 is the US government’s strategy to improve the nation’s health The FDA is the main regulator of health-related products Consumers should be aware of cost, efficacy, and safety issues regarding medical products and practices, alcohol, and tobacco