Final Review EVERYTHING!!!
Agricultural Revolution Fertile Crescent Sedentary life Domestication of animals Surplus of food Specialization labor Social stratification Disease pools Environmental changes Urbanization
River Valleys Mesopotamia Nile Indus Yellow
Ages… based on tools Stone Bronze Iron
Belief Systems The Biggies: Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism Judaism Zoroastrianism Hellenism Christianity Later (622), Islam Show spread of religions clip.
Bronze Age 3000-1200BCE Sumerians Akkadians Old Babylonians Mycenaean Minoans Mohenjo Daro and Harappa Egypt Nubia Shang Zhou Phoenicians and their alphabet
Hammurabi’s Law Code Law code Consistent set of laws to govern society… first of its kind. Fair? Punishments based on class
Iron Age Empires Mediterranean Dark Age at the beginning of the Iron Age… sea people? Hittites Neo-Assyrians Persians Zhou Romans etc
Alexander the Great Legacy? Hellenized Persia… How do we know? Stone pillars, Greek ideas, Greek mythology
Classical Age 1000BCE-600CE Rome Han Gupta Sims: patriarchal systems, agricultural based economies, extensive urbanization, expanding trade, complex governments, territorial expansion, powerful military Diffs: Belief systems, systems of social stratification, theater state vs. dynasty vs. republic/empire.
End of Classical Age Rome falls and…??? Han falls and…??? ..but the Eastern Roman Empire remains (Byzantine Empire) Han falls and…???
600-1450 Mediterranean Trade System weakens. Why? Rise of Indian Ocean network Islamic expansion Dar al Islam Ibn Battuta Less demand in Europe Germanization of Europe
Indian Ocean Trade Trade Diasporas Entrepot Dhows Spread of IslamIndonesia Monsoons
Other Trade Routes Silk Road Trans-Saharan trade network
The Americas Olmec- Mother culture Maya- city-states Aztec- Blood and tribute Inca- Andes, Mita Locations, belief systems, trade goods, downfall?
In Europe? Viking Raids by 800 Feudalism Weakens following Black Death
Crusades In Spain? To the Holy Land! Why? Success? Effects? Diffusion of ideas Crusader states trade with Fatimid Caliphate Access to Indian Ocean Trade denied!
Mongols Pastoralists Trade Tolerance toward religions Khanates West converted to Islam (Golden Horde) Kublai Khan – Yuan (reunites China) Marco Polo?
Effects of the Mongols Diffusion of ??? Pax Mongolica Black Death Goods Gunpowder Tactics End of the heavy cavalry Pax Mongolica
Black Death Impacts East and West Effects Population decline Humanism-Aristotle Advancement in medicine societies weakened in the Middle East Rise of gunpowder empires
Zheng He (15th Century)
Rise of Gunpowder Empires Safavid- Ishmael, Red Heads, Shia Ottoman- Sunni, Janissaries, Suleiman, Vienna Mughal – Akbar, Divine Faith, Taj Mahal, Muslim minority ruling over a Hindu Majority
Spain and the New World Columbus’ adventure Why? Effects? Why didn’t the Portuguese send him? Vasco Da Gama and armed trading in the Indian Ocean
Trans-Atlantic Trade System Columbian Exchange Effects in Europe and Asia? Effects in Africa and the Americas? Sugar, Silver, and Slaves Changing Labor Systems?
Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment Describe each Impact of each? Enlightenment Ideals play a significant role in late 18th century and early 19th century revolutions.
Racism, Social Darwinism and Eugenics When do these appear? Why?
British Imperialism Colonies in the New World Charter Companies Wars with France American Revolution…
Revolutions 18th – 19th C. The Big Three: American Revolution French Revolution Haitian Revolution Similarities and Differences? Go back and review… just in case.
Napoleon’s Wars Effects Independence Movements in Latin America Balance of Power in Europe The Great Trek Further British Expansion British East India Company
Industrialization Key Commodity? Cotton!!! Nationalism? India clothed the world in 1700, but by 1800 the British were in the process of de-industrializing India How to get into China? Opium War Iron Steam Ships Nationalism?
Industrialization Quandary Why do we see Industrialization in Britain, Europe and North America but not elsewhere until much later?
Imperialism Scramble for Africa Asia Spanish-American War Suez Canal Boxer Rebellion Open Door Policy Spanish-American War Suez Canal Panama Canal
1914-Present Nationalism WWI Spanish Flu Communism in Russia Treaty of Versailles Mandate System Spanish Flu Communism in Russia Depression Rise of Totalitarian Regimes WWII
Post WWII Decolonization Nation Building Cold War Proxy Wars Arms Race Space Race Containment Revolutions in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa and Middle East. Fall of Soviet Union- New Eastern European States
Post Cold War Era Technological Innovations Nuclear non-proliferation The world is flat Outsourcing Free market Terrorism Afghanistan and Iraq