Lakeview Community Schools ITBS Results Data from: Spring 2009-10 ITBS Fall 2010-11 ITBS Fall 2011-12 ITBS
Understanding the ITBS Scores The score used for this presentation is the NPR score. What is the NPR score? NPR stands for National Percentile Rank, this means that #% of Lakeview students scored at or above the National norm group of students who took the test. The Reading Total Score comes from a combination of 2 scores/tests: 1.) Vocabulary and 2.) Reading Comprehension The Math Total Score comes from a combination of 3 scores/tests: 1.) Concepts and Estimation 2.)Problem Solving and Data 3.) Math Computation The data is presented in two different ways- 1.) Program Data –where we will focus on one particular grade level during a three year period and 2.) Cohort data --where we follow a group of students for 3 years to see if they are maintaining or growing.
Program Data- ITBS National Percentile Rank- Reading Total by Grade Level– NPR percent means that #% of Lakeview students who scored at or above the National norm group . Grade 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 2009-10 Spring P.C. 60% 51% 48% 41% 58% 46% S.C. 57 % 59% 57% 45% 2010-11 Fall 42% 56% 49% 55% 53% 68% 70% 2011-12 44% 39% 66% 61%
Program Data- ITBS National Percentile Rank- Reading Total by Grade Level– Platte Center 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 2009-10 Spring P.C. 60% 51% 48% 41% LV 58% 46% 2010-11 Fall 42% 56% 49% 55% 53% 2011-12 44% 39% 59%
Program Data- ITBS National Percentile Rank- Reading Total by Grade Level– Shell Creek 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 2009-10 Spring S.C 57% 59% 45% LV 58% 46% 2010-11 Fall 51% 68% 70% 56% 55% 53% 2011-12 S.C. 66% 61%
Program Data- for 2011-12 NPR – Reading Total score- in the All students category- Assuming St. John’s and Christ Lutheran students were attending Lakeview Grade 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 2011-12 Fall All 66% 56% 55% 60% 59%
Cohort Data-ITBS National Percentile Rank- Reading Total by Cohort- NPR percent means that #% of Lakeview students scored at or above the National norm group. Grade 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 2009-10 Spring P.C. 60% 51% 48% 41% 58% 46% S.C. 57 % 59% 57% 45% 2010-11 Fall 42% 56% 49% 55% 53% 68% 70% 2011-12 44% 39% 66% 61%
Program Data- ITBS National Percentile Rank- Math Total by Grade Level---NPR percent means that #% of Lakeview students scored at or above the National norm group. Grade 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 2009-10 Spring P.C. 56% 67% 54% 58% 46% S.C. 51% 55% 2010-11 Fall 34% 66% 53% 68% 69% 2011-12 43% 36% 61% 59% 63%
Program Data- ITBS National Percentile Rank- Math Total by Grade Level– Platte Center 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 2009-10 Spring P.C. 56% 67% 54% 58% LV 46% 2010-11 Fall 34% 66% 53% 55% 2011-12 43% 36% 61% 59%
Program Data- ITBS National Percentile Rank- Math Total by Grade Level– Shell Creek 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 2009-10 Spring S.C. 51% 56% 54% 55% LV 58% 46% 2010-11 Fall 68% 69% 53% 2011-12 SC. 67% 63% 59%
Program Data- for 2011-12 NPR – Math Total score- in the All students category- Assuming St. John’s and Christ Lutheran students were attending Lakeview Grade 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 2011-12 Fall All 53% 60% 62% 66% 67% 68%
Cohort Data-ITBS National Percentile Rank- Math Total by Cohort- NPR percent means that #% of Lakeview students scored at or above the National norm group. Grade 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 2009-10 Spring P.C. 56% 67% 54% 58% 46% S.C. 51% 55% 2010-11 Fall 34% 66% 53% 61% 69% 2011-12 43% 36% 59% 64% 63% 68%