ACTIVITIES OF MONGOLIAN OBSERVATORY and UNEVOC CENTRE 1999-2011 D.Bujinlkham Executive director 23-26.08.2011 Bangkok
Our roles and responsibility - UNEVOC Network Our roles and responsibilities - to support the reform of national VET system in Mongolia by : Ensuring the strong co-operation with other organizations Disseminating UNESCO-UNEVOC messages, information, experience and skills on all major areas of work of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, other countries experience in TVET 2011.03.11 Говь ХК
Our roles and responsibility Facilitating national policy makers to plan and renew TVET system Support the national institutions Disseminating relevant information to national authorities and other stakeholders Identifying cases of best practice Working with marginalized group of people 2011.03.11 Говь ХК
Our Activities: Disseminating UNESCO-UNEVOC messages: National Conference on ‘Reproduction of recommendations of the second International Congress on TVET (2000) The Recommendation was sent to Parliament and GoM Publication of the Seoul congress materials in Mongolian language Workshop “ UNESCO-ILO Recommendation ” Policy Seminar “The of Social Partners in VET in Mongolia” (May 2003) translation and publication of the Revised Recommendations 2011.03.11 Говь ХК
Our Activities: With support of the UNESCO Office in Beijing we prepared 2 successful case-studies on the Best Practices in TVET of Mongolia: Link between General Education and VET Study on "Possibilities of Distance education in TVET” was prepared in 2001 in English and Mongolian languages 2011.03.11 Говь ХК
Our Activities: Local survey on the training need for the employed children aged 12-15 / by the order of the MSWL in 2004 Child labour problems No access to formal TVET system Demanded skills training
Our Activities Study on “Non-formal vocational education and training in remote areas” was conducted in 2003 Assessment study on the current VET situation in Mongolia.” 2004/contracted by SDC
Our Activities: UNESCO Sub-Regional Seminar “Improving access, equality and relevance in TVET” was held in 2003 in Ulaanbaatar With support of UNESCO- UNEVOC International Centre for TVET “National Seminar on Improving Vocational Education and Training through Enhanced Stakeholder Participation in Mongolia”, 2005 / MECS, MSWL 2011.03.11 Говь ХК
National Seminar on VET policy and strategy / 2005
Our activities: A survey on “Assessment of Vocational Education and training needs for Young herders in Mongolia” , 2005 / UNESCO Beijing office 5 series of handbooks for herders “Herder- farmer”, “Animal disease”, “Food hygiene”, “Food production”, “Law and legal advice” were published in 2006 Travel training for young herders in 3 provinces (Hentii, Dornod and Sukhbaatar) supported by UNESCO Beijing Office and UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for TVET/ 2007
Herders Travel training Opening ceremony of travel training was held in June 19, 2007 and Dr. Rupert Maclean, director of UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre in Bonn, attended the opening meeting.
Herders Travel training Over 800 herders were participated in the activity.
Our activities: In 2009 we published next handbooks for the herders use: "Herders Health” "Environmental pollution” "Farmer cultivator ”
Result of herders training activities: useful for the herders living in fare located areas as first information and help the peoples to solve different problems training materials for the short term training organized by the different training providers MSWL, Social Welfare and Labor Departments in regions (21 aimags) republish and distribute all our handbooks for the employment related training and poor herders training GoM and Parliament started to discus herders training possibility
UNEVOC Centre status Officially registered NGO No permanent budget and financing Part time staff obliged to find other job National institutions are interested to have stable activities and support: organization and participation in seminars, workshops, small projects, study tours which will give them more opportunities to be involved in international events in TVET How to be an independent institution??? / dependence to supervisor and other powerful peoples
Proposals: To expand the UNEVOC network activities involving TVET students, teachers, school administrators, policy makers and other stakeholders Activate Regional and International events Distribute more information about best practices in national language
Mongolian Government proposal: Agency for TVET proposing to continue UNEVOC activity of Mongolia focused on the target group / herders / support which is not strongly designed in formal VET system and not developed in policy level. Recommended objectives of the project : to support apprentice approaches for the herders training / best herders can have apprentice and train him during his herding life and GoM will provide some financial support for the best herders and this practice will be coordinated by the new established Agency for TVET