Course Syllabus & Expectations Materials Course Content Expectations
Course Syllabus & Expectations Grading Attendance Passes Classroom Behavior No electronics are to be used while class is in session
Course Syllabus & Expectations Any questions?
The directions are intentionally vague… Partner Perceptions The directions are intentionally vague… On a sheet of paper, draw and sketch the classroom with careful attention to detail during the next 15 minutes.
The directions are intentionally vague… Partner Perceptions The directions are intentionally vague… Switch your drawing with your neighbor (to the right/left of you) and analyze your neighbor’s classroom sketch.
The directions are intentionally vague… Partner Perceptions The directions are intentionally vague… Fold your neighbor’s classroom sketch in half (hamburger style) and come up with three questions about their sketch: i.e. Why is the table so large? Why didn’t you draw the eyewash fountain?
The directions are intentionally vague… Partner Perceptions The directions are intentionally vague… Fold your neighbor’s classroom sketch in half (hamburger style) and come up with three questions about their sketch: i.e. Why is the table so large? Why didn’t you draw the eyewash fountain? What do you think caused different people to draw the room differently?
The directions are intentionally vague… Partner Perceptions The directions are intentionally vague… Fold your neighbor’s classroom sketch in half (hamburger style) and come up with three questions about their sketch: i.e. Why is the table so large? Why didn’t you draw the eyewash fountain? Save this paper – it will be the first assignment in your Forensics Notebook.
Reminders Investigator Dossier Now that you have had a *brief* taste of how perceptions affects observations, I want to see your perception of yourself by filling out an investigator dossier. Reminders Contract Due Monday Investigator Dossier Due Monday Have a great rest of the day!