The impact of gender inequality in education and science Mokhru Narzulloeva
Education is one of the most important factors of economic development of any country, and Tajikistan is no exception. Education significantly enhances human capabilities, impacting on virtually all aspects of his life: work, health status, political activity, the organization of family life and parenting, the system of life values, the ability of assimilation of information, etc. However, between education and economic growth there is also feedback: richer countries have an opportunity to spend more resources on education than poorer countries. At the same time, from the point of view of economic growth, not only average values of education in the country, also degree of its availability to various categories of the population are important.
Despite all economic difficulties, our President Emomali Rakhmon pays great attention to the education of young people. Now many chances came for our youth study outside of Tajikistan.
The achievements our students in abroad.
According to article 41 of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, everyone has the right to education and basic General education is compulsory. Higher education is an important social institution, which aims to meet a range of social needs. It is the major factor of social development. It is a prerequisite for the information of a new efficient economy. It is a source of welfare and society, not to mention such important aspects as the direct inclusion of a person to scientific knowledge and cultural values. Full use of human potential, regardless of gender, leads to progress. However, The problem of gender discrimination is firmly rooted not only in areas such as politics and business, but also in science and education
My study in Wageningen University
Tajik Agrarian University TAU (as Teacher of Plant Science or Biotechnology) Physiology institute (employee) To defence my research work. Erasmus Mundus – CASIA project
Tajik Agrarian University CASIA project The Committee on Women and Family Affairs under the Government of Tajikistan
Gender inequality on the contemporary stage of society development is of relevance is not the last place. Despite the obvious progress, gender discrimination still covers many areas of society. For example, the sphere of access to resources and management in the sphere of economic opportunities, in the field of power and representation. For this reason, gender equality becomes a Central indicator of development of each country. Do not forget the simple fact that not all countries develop in the same vector that European, and in the context of globalization, modern society is forced to repeatedly address the issue of gender inequality.