Report on WG-WIGOS/WIS CHEN Yongqing Chair, WG-WIGOS/WIS
Outline Overview of activities of WG-WIGOS/WIS Progress on implementation of R-WIP-II Status on WIS Recommendations from WG-WIGOS/WIS My presentation include five parts.
Overview(1) 13 -19, December 2012, Doha, Qatar WG-WIGOS/WIS re-established by 15th session of RA II EG-WIGOS EG-WIS As you all know, the sixteenth congress decided to implement WIGOS, at the same time, congress also requested the Regional Associations to develop their own Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans.
Overview(2) May 2013 Members of WG completed Chair-person EG-WIGOS: 2 Co-coordinators 10 Theme Leaders 13 Volunteer Experts EG-WIS 6 Theme Leaders 12 Volunteer Experts As you all know, the sixteenth congress decided to implement WIGOS, at the same time, congress also requested the Regional Associations to develop their own Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans.
Overview(3) October 2013 The Work Plan of WG drafted and approved EG-WIGOS: Nine tasks , with several activities in each task Implemented through the RAII WIGOS projects and RA II members under the initiative of key regional players. The theme leaders of EG-WIGOS has responsibility to track and promote the execution of these activities and projects. EG-WIS Seven tasks, with several activities in each task The theme leaders of EG-WIS have responsibility to carry out or promote these activities As you all know, the sixteenth congress decided to implement WIGOS, at the same time, congress also requested the Regional Associations to develop their own Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans.
Overview(4) 2013-2016 RA II Regional WIS Implementation Plan First version: approved by the President of RA-II in December, 2013, available at: Updates to be submitted to RA II and WMO secretariat by the end of 2016 As you all know, the sixteenth congress decided to implement WIGOS, at the same time, congress also requested the Regional Associations to develop their own Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans.
Overview(5) 12-14, October 2015 The Joint RA-II/RA-V Workshop on WIGOS for Disaster Risk Joint RA-II/RA-V WIGOS Satellite Data Project Strengthening the capabilities of all Members to use geostationary satellite images and derived products in support of Disaster Risk Reduction Developing a protocol for the NMHSs in the project countries to request event-driven rapid-scan imagery for their respective national areas of interest Joint RA-II/RA-V WIGOS Radar Data Project Improvement of data quality of existing radars Development and expansion of national radar networks Near real time international exchange of radar data, and Development of «sub-regional» radar data centre(s) As you all know, the sixteenth congress decided to implement WIGOS, at the same time, congress also requested the Regional Associations to develop their own Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans.
Overview(6) 25-27, November 2015,Tokyo, Japan. The First session of RA II EG-WIS (EG-WIS-1) Reviewed the regional requirements on WIS, as well as the TLs’ reports on Data communication techniques and structure, Data representation and metadata, GTS/WIS operation including Early Warning, and IGDDS. Reviewed the pilot dashboards developed by GISCs Beijing and Tokyo, and encouraged all the operational GISCs to consider the implementation of WIS monitoring and start providing JSON files as soon as possible. Reviewed the current structure of EG-WIS, and the designation procedure of the EG-WIS members after the RA II-15 (2012). As you all know, the sixteenth congress decided to implement WIGOS, at the same time, congress also requested the Regional Associations to develop their own Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans.
The main recommendations of EG-WIS-1 Amendment of the Manual on WIS. The meeting noted that NC Pyongyang (Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)) had designated its principal GISC, and requested WMO secretariat to update the information of DPRK in table B.3 (National Centres) of the Manual on the WIS (WMO No.1060). Future structure of EG-WIS in RA II. The meeting noted that it’s necessary to establish a new group to coordinate WIS Centres (e.g. Implementation and Coordination Group on WIS), and requested the co-coordinators and WMO secretariat to draft a new structure on EG-WIS to consider establishing ICG-WIS in RA II-16 (February 2017). Designation procedure for expert group EG-WIS in RA II. The meeting noted that the EG-WIS members including Volunteer Experts were approved in the 8th RA II MG meeting in 2014, and agreed that it must have been approved in a short time. The meeting requested RA II MG to consider designation procedure to be approved within 6 months after RA II session.
Overview(7) May 2016 Participating in the RBON workshop This workshop discussed one very important concept - ROBN, which will replace the current traditional concept RBSN/RBCN, as one of substantial steps of implementation of WIGOS. As you all know, the sixteenth congress decided to implement WIGOS, at the same time, congress also requested the Regional Associations to develop their own Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans.
Overview(8) June 2016 Input to the RA II SOP for 2017- 2019 21 Deliverables for WIGOS/WIS 43 Activities As you all know, the sixteenth congress decided to implement WIGOS, at the same time, congress also requested the Regional Associations to develop their own Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans.
Overview(9) October 31-November 1, 2016, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The First session of RA II EG-WIGOS (EG-WIGOS-1) Review of progress Discussion of future plan for 2017-2020 Recommendations provided As you all know, the sixteenth congress decided to implement WIGOS, at the same time, congress also requested the Regional Associations to develop their own Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans.
Overview(10) 2013-2016 Monitor the progress on implementation of WIGOS and WIS The WG has report the progress of the WG to concerned meetings or management group meetings. Chair of WG attended chairperson’s meetings on behalf of WG-WIGOS/WIS in May 2012 and in December 2015 respectively, and presented the expert group’s progress reports to the meetings. As you all know, the sixteenth congress decided to implement WIGOS, at the same time, congress also requested the Regional Associations to develop their own Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans.
Progress on implementation of R- WIP-II RAII-15 (Doha, 2012) Decides to adopt R-WIP-II (Res. 3)
RA II WIGOS Implementation Projects No. Project title Key regional players I Monitor and review the Implementation of EGOS- IP in RA II China; Hong Kong, China II Standard and best practise Portal, including technical documents with necessary details in English from all RA II Members Republic of Korea III.1 Observing systems integration for supporting disaster risk reduction - Integration of Surface-based Remote Sensing Data in the East Asia China, Japan, Republic of Korea III.2 Observing systems integration for supporting disaster risk reduction - in Radar Techniques in the East Asia ASEAN (Thailand, Malaysia) IV Enhance the Availability and Quality Management Support for NMHSs in Surface, Climate and Upper-air Observations Japan V Developing a Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS) in Node VI Develop Support for NMHSs in Satellite Data, Products and Training Japan, Republic of Korea
Project. I Monitor and review the Implementation of EGOS- IP in RA II Key Regional Players: China; Hong Kong, China Aim(s) To identify gaps and prioritize actions listed in the EGOS-IP through reviewing the progress of the Evolution of Global Observing Systems (EGOS), The progress and experiences are shared by RA II members when implementing the EGOS-IP. Achievements A portal for sharing the national progress of EGOS-IP implementation was established by CMA. A report template has been prepared. The technical scheme of assessing the progress was drafted.
Project. II Standard and Practical Portal, including Technical Documents with Necessary Details in English from all RA II Members Key Regional Players: Republic of Korea Aim(s) To develop a Standard and Best Practise Portal To establish regional standard and best practices documentation (regional practices database) for enhanced observational data/products utilization, including data/metadata management To specify mechanisms, procedures for regular monitoring and updating of the portal. Achievements KMA’s domestic project for standardization of met observations finished 1st phase (2013). By 2015, more than 3,600 sites data from 28 agencies (including local gov.) were collected into one system. 85% of the data are collected in real time. QCed data are open for domestic agencies for DRR, public broadcast and local governments.
Project. III-1 RA II WIGOS Project for Observing Systems Integration for Supporting Disaster Risk Reduction -Integration of Surface-based Remote Sensing Data in the East Asia Key Regional Players: Japan, Republic of Korea, China Aim to develop a feasible and optimal draft design of integrated surface- based remote sensing observations toward operational assimilation of those data in meso-scale NWP model of the participating organs at the sub-regional level, as well as real-time quality-assured radar composite maps. Achievements Real-time exchange of radar CAPPI products and automated weather station data between Japan and Korea Evaluation of Impact of assimilation of QPE over Korea on NWP over Japan
Project. III-2 RA II WIGOS Project for Observing Systems Integration for Supporting Disaster Risk Reduction -Capacity Building in Radar Techniques in the Southeast Asia Key Regional Players: ASEAN (Thailand, Malaysia) Aim To develop effective early warning systems building on radar data in Southeast Asia. Achievements ASEAN Regional Training Workshop on Weather Radar Maintenance, QPE and Forecast (Bangkok, 2014) with 20 participants from 7 ASEAN members. National reports on usage of weather radar (Thailand and Malaysia submitted to 35th ASEAN/SCMG, 2013) TMD – JMA technical meetings on radar issues started in 2011 and followed by 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 meetings as activities of WMO/ESCAP Typhoon Committee. MMD – JMA technical meetings on radar issues started in 2014. BMKG – JMA technical meetings on remote- sensing technology started in 2015.
Project. IV Enhance the Availability and Quality Management Support for NMHSs in Surface, Climate and Upper-air Observations Key Regional Players: Japan Aim Improvement of data quality at RBCN/RBSN stations and enhancement of services of RA II RICs. Achievements WMO/JMA Survey on met. instruments, calibration and training in RA II was implemented, and the consolidated report was issued as WMO/IOM No. 122 (available on RIC Tsukuba website) The users’ needs were clarified (i.e. lack of standard instruments, SI tractability etc.) So-called “RIC-Tsukuba Package”, combination of cooperative activities; Preliminary survey Provision of standard instruments and/or inspection equipment On-the-job training Follow-up successfully implemented in some NMHSs (i.e. Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc.)
Project. V Develop a Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS) in Asia Node Key Regional Players: China, Japan, Republic of Korea Aim Mitigation of risks in many affected areas in the Asia Node countries through enhancement of systematic NRT monitoring of sand and dust storm. Achievements The three dust forecast models (from CMA JMA and KMA) have been continuously operated. A web portal to display in real time all SDS models including ECMWF and NCEP forecast products was developed. Dust forecast model products verification has been carried out. Data –exchanged list has been identified.
Project. VI Develop Support for NMHSs in Satellite Data, Products and Training Key Regional Players: Japan, Republic of Korea Aim To encourage NMHSs in RA II to make a kind of self-help effort to improve the flow of satellite-derived information, To improve the knowledge and techniques to use satellite data and products. Achievements Establishment of the Project website RA II WIGOS Project Newsletters (quarterly) Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users’ Conference (AOMSUC): 4th Conference, Melbourne, Australia (Oct 2013) 5th Conference, Shanghai, China (Nov 2014) 6th Conference, Tokyo, Japan (Nov 2015) 7th Conference, Incheon, Republic of Korea (Oct 2016) Russia, India and Indonesia newly joined. Memorandum signed by PR from sponsors (WMO EC-68, 2016) Coordination Group meetings: 3rd meeting, Tokyo, Japan (Nov 2015) 4th meeting, Incheon, Republic of Korea (Oct 2016) Held training seminars on meteorological satellite data for NMHSs in Asia and Pacific region along with AOMSUC. Support users for smooth transition to the new generation satellites. Tutor programs (dispatching experts on satellite data utilization) for users in Asia and Pacific to facilitate efficient use of Himawari-8. Feasibility study on Himawari-8 event-driven rapid-scan with AuBoM.
Status on WIS
RMTN status Updates Bhutan: Link New Delhi-Thimphu The link added in RMTN (Res-5 XIII-RA II) Connected to RTH New Delhi in June 2015 Started receiving data with support from RTH New Delhi, UEMETSAT and JICA. Started distributing their obs. data in BUFR in July 2016 New links (after 15th RA II) One supplementary regional circuit Seven additional circuits
RMTN status Updates Myanmar changed the location of NMC from Yangon to Nay Pyi Taw Nay Pyi Taw started its GTS operation in 2013 Reflected to RMTN RTH New Delhi Nay Pyi Taw Yangon RTH Bangkok
RMTN Status Service type of Network (October 2016) MPLS(29) Internet(47) FR (0) Leased+etc.(22) not-operation(10)
RMTN Status Link speeds in 2016 (except Internet links from operational links)
RMTN Status as of October 2016 The NI circuit between Karachi and Tashkent has not been implemented yet. Because there are difficulties to deploy telecommunication infrastructure for the area, both RTHs requested to remove the link from RA II regional circuit plan. EG-WIS recognized the situation and accepted their requirement.
Manual on the GTS Volume II: Regional Aspects In accordance with the decision of Cg-17, Volume II of WMO No. 386 (Manual on GTS) will be discontinued and replaced by web-based documentation A Task Team (TT) established by EG-WIS to proceed and create the web-based document TL-DCTS leads the TT with Volunteer Experts of the Theme. Some more experts would be invited in future. Plans to submit the draft of web-based document to RAII Management Group in 2017.
TDCF migration Status CBS Ext.2010: target of completing Migration to TDCF is November 2014 CBS Ext. 2014 Do not extend the migration schedule RTHs to convert TAC <--> TDCF on behalf of Members Members adding new report over the GTS should not use TAC (Rec.2.3.(1)/5) Some surface/upper-Air observation data in TAC have already been terminated
TDCF migration Status = Surface and Upper-Air observations = 50% of RBSN stations report BUFR Number of BUFR TEMP report increased in 2014 and 2015. NWP centers report quality issues in BUFR reports converted from TEMP. 66% of RBSN stations report BUFR Notable progress was seen with the migration of SYNOP data in 2014, but BUFR reporting is unstable.
TDCF migration Status = Climate data = As of November 2015, ten Members were reporting CLIMAT data in BUFR format: China; India; Mongolia; Saudi Arabia; Pakistan; Japan; Bangladesh; Hong Kong, China; Macao, China and Thailand. The number of Members has increased by two since 2013. As of November 2016, five Members were reporting CLIMAT data in BUFR format: Hong Kong; Japan; Saudi Arabia; Pakistan; Republic of Korea. It is a major setback compared to the situation in 2014-2015.
WIS Implementation (GISC) Note: GISC Moscow is geographically located in RA VI, but middle and east Russia is in RA II, and GISC Moscow provides services to DCPCs/NCs in RA II members.
WIS Implementation (GISC) as of November 2015 Operation AMDCN (AoR) AoR's Metadata GISC Backup Workshop/Training for AoR WIS Monitoring Reference WIS-IP: Para. 6.1.4 WIS-IP: Para. 6.1.2, 6.1.6, 6.1.7 WIS-IP: Para. 6.1.2, CBS2014 Rec. 21: WIS Guide 6.3 WIS-IP: Para. 3-b), Para. 7.3, 8.5 CBS2014 Rec. 21: WIS Guide 6.2 WIS-IP: Para. 8.7 Beijing 15 Aug 2011 # Connected to all DCPCs/NCs through Dedicated line or Internet in AoR # Collecting/managing metadata from all DCPCs/NCs in AoR # In operation with Tokyo # Made agreements with Offenbach and Melbourne # Disaster recovery site started operation in May, 2016 # Held WIS workshop 2011 # Holds face-to-face meeting/training for each NC in AoR every year # providing on-site training for neighing centers (CMACast users) every year # Providing JSON file # Providing WMO Common Dashboard Jeddah 02 Oct 2014 # Collecting metadata from all DCPCs/NCs in AoR # Under discussion with Seoul (?) # Holds staff training in Nov. 2015 # Plan to hold workshop in Feb. 2016 # Plans to provide JSON file Moscow # In operation with Offenbach # Providing JSON file New Delhi pre-operation # Plan to start coordination (DRC in Pune was started operation in 2014) Plan to have on-site training Plans to provide JSON file Seoul 13 Jun 2013 # Connected to DCPCs/NCs in AoR # Plan to connect remaining DCPC over VPN/Internet # Collecting metadata from DCPCs/NCs in AoR # Plan to collect metadata from remaining DCPC # Plan to start discussion with Jeddah # Arrangement with Moscow, and cooperation with Melbourne on GISC backup # Held GISC Seoul workshops in '12, '13, '14 # Provided training to DCPC Tashkent in 2013 and DCPCs/NCs in AoR in 2015 Tehran 04 Aug 2014 # Connected to DCPCs/NCs # Plan to connect remaining DCPCs/NCs # Collecting metadata # Plan to provide metadata service to remaining NCs # Plan to start arrangement # Held training workshop in 2011 and 2014 Tokyo 01 Aug 2011 # Connected to all DCPCs/NCs in its AoR over the MPLS. Some CNs are connected via DCPC/RTH Bangkok # In operation with Beijing and Offenbach # Made an agreement with Melbourne (DRS started operation in March 2015) # Holds WIS workshop every two year ('10, '12, '14) # Holds on-site-workshop at each DCPC/NC in AoR, at least once a two years # Providing JSON file including information of all NCs in AoR # Providing WMO Common Dashboard
WIS Implementation (NC) Ashgabat (Turkmenistan) --> GISC Moscow Pyongyang (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) --> GISC Beijing Principal GISC of two NCs were TBD in 15th RA II
WIS Centres in RA-II Nov. 2016 NC: 37 37: approved by EC-64 DCPC: 29 26: endorsed/approved by CBS/Cg/EC 3: not submitted GISC: 7 (including GISC Moscow) 7: approved by Cg-16 6: are in operation 3 DCPCs approved by Cg-17, DCPC GMC, Gulf Marine Centre (Qatar), DCPC Space weather (Japan), DCPC RTH (Thailand)
WIS Monitoring Nov. 2016 Pilot project a collective effort of all WIS Centres to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information that enable reports on system status including availability, stability, integrity. conducted by CBS/ET-WISC and leaded by two project managers Monitoring messages pulled from GISC centres as JSON messages aggregated and displayed in a web portal (WCD)
WIS Monitoring Nov. 2016 Pilot project 4 GISCs (Beijing, Moscow, Seoul and Tokyo) in RA II providing actual operation status GISC Beijing and Tokyo providing prototype service of WCD (WIS Monitoring Common Dashboard) , and demonstrated to CBS-16 (Nov. 2016) GISCs Jeddah, New Delhi and Teheran have a plan to join the project
Recommendation 1: The Continuation of WIGOS Projects EG-WIGOS recommended that 6(5) of 7 Projects should continue in the next four years and should be updated in accordance with the new requirement of preoperational phase of WIGOS.(I,II,III-2,IV, V, VI)
Recommendation 2: WIGOS Centers WIGOS Centers should be established in pilot mode in the next RA II session. The WIGOS Centers should cover west and east Parts of Region II Unlike WIS, RWCs do not have responsible countries to take care of The function of WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System should be included in RWC A document addressing this issue will be submitted to the RA II session.
Recommendation 3: RBON-Regional Observing Network A Task Team on developing the RBON in RA II is proposed to be established by RA-II-16. TOR with a roadmap for the implementation of RBON in RA II is also submitted to RA II MG for consideration.
Terms of Reference TT-RBON Develop the proposal for the Regional Basic Observing Network in RA II: Prioritize the WMO application areas relevant to the Region; Define the RA II specific criteria for the selection of stations/platforms into RBON of RA II; Select the RBON stations/platforms in accordance with the RBON concept and RA II specific criteria; Identify gaps and develop a draft action plan to deal with them; Develop the Roadmap for, and coordinate the activities on the implementation of the RBON in RA II; Work with RA II EG-WIGOS and WIGOS-PO on the further elaboration of the RBON concept
Roadmap for the implementation of the RBON in RA II February 2017, establishment of TT-RBON; April 2017, RA II specific criteria for the selection of stations/platforms into RBON; June 2017, a draft pilot RBON; July 2017 to June 2018, the pilot RBON testing; September 2018, evaluation for the pilot RBON December 2018, the draft RBON January 2019, submission of the draft RBON to president of RA II
Recommendation 4: Updating of R-WIP-II The R-WIP-II should be updated taking into account the Plan for the WIGOS pre- operational phase 2016-2019. The updated R-WIP-II is submitted to RA II MG for consideration.
Recommendation 5: Updating of RBSN/RBCN The current RBSN/RBCN should continue to be operational until the new RBON is formally implemented based on the approval by P-RA/MG or the RA session. The RBSN/RBCN lists should be updated and be submitted to the 16th session of RA II for approval. When the RBSN/RBCN lists are being updated, the RBON concept, specifically the key attributes and criteria for the selection of stations/platforms into RBON should be taken into account.
Updating Principal In order to keep the continuity of the network, the RBSN/RBCN list approved by the 15th session of RA II is proposed to continue in the next four years, and be updated incorporating the minor changes approved by the President of RA II upon the request of concerned members. Considering the RBSN/RBCN stations are the primary candidates for the RBON, and are expected to constitute the backbone of the RBON, when the RBSN/RBCN lists are being updated, the RBON concept, specifically the key attributes and criteria for the selection of stations/platforms into RBON should be taken into account. As a first step, stations whose status not recorded in OSCAR are marked with "X", indicating that those stations cannot meet the first criteria into RBON currently and measures should be made if they want to be RBON stations.
Result RBSN :1696 RBCN : 673 1634 SURFACE stations 286 Radiosonde stations 30 Radiowind stations. 25 station but not recorded in OSCAR RBCN : 673 1634 CLIMAT stations. 20 stations : not recorded in OSCAR
The status of the stations which are not recorded in the OSCAR/Surface RBCN(25) RBSN(20) OMAN 20 CHINA 3 RUSSIAN 5 JAPAN 1 9 7
Recommendation 6: Future Structure of EG-WIGOS The term “Theme Leader” should be changed to “Project Leader” The name of the Project Leaders should be identical to those listed in the R-WIP-II Projects. Task Team leader should be a member of EG- WIGOS
EG-WIGOS Title Name Country Co-Coordinators Project Leader in Monitoring and Reviewing the Implementation of EGOS IP in RA II Project Leader in The web-interface for sharing status of standardization and experience and monitoring synoptic observations in RA II Project Leader in Capacity Building in Radar Techniques in the Southeast Asia Project Leader in Enhancing the Availability and Quality Management Support for NMHSs in Surface, Climate and Upper-air Observations Project Leader in Developing a Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS) in Asia Node Project Leader in Developing Support for NMHSs in Satellite Data, Products and Training Chair of Task Team on RBON
EG-WIGOS _ TOR(1/2) To coordinate the planning and implementation of WIGOS in the Region in accordance with the Regional WIGOS Implementation Plan (R-WIP-II), in accordance with decisions and guidance from Cg-17, the follow-up EC sessions, RA II Management Group, and the RA II Strategic and Operating Plan; To provide support and assistance to RA II Members in accordance with the R-WIP-II and in a response to their requests (subject to availability of resources/funds); To assist RA II Members to develop their National WIGOS Implementation Plans (N- WIPs); To monitor the progress in the implementation and operations of WIGOS in the Region; advise on possible improvements and priorities for appropriate actions and the need for external support, where required, according to the technical guidance from the technical commissions, specified in the GFCS-IP, EGOS-IP, GCOS-IP and other observing system implementation plans in order to evolve and implement WIGOS in the Region;
EG-WIGOS _ TOR(2/2) To support the implementation and improvement of OSCAR/Surface in the Region; To collaborate with related bodies on the implementation of WDQMS in the Region; To collaborate with the RWC candidates, RA II management group and WIGOS-PO on the establishment of the Regional WIGOS Centres in the Region; To coordinate relevant activities with the regional groupings involved in observations to ensure consistency of approach and synergy; To advise the president of the Regional Association and the chair of the WIGOS relevant Working Group on the proposed composition and changes to the Regional Basic Synoptic Network and Regional Basic Climatological Network; To collaborate with TT-RBON on the implementation of the Regional Basic Observing Network in the Region. To advise RA-II/MG on WIGOS implementation in the Region.
Recommendation 7: Future Structure of EG-WIS Title Name Country Co-Coordinators Theme Leader on WIS Infrastructure and Implementation Theme Leader on Data representation and Metadata Theme Leader on Capacity Development Theme Leader on Information Management and Emerging Data Issues
EG-WIS _ TOR (a) To monitor the progress made in the implementation and operation of WIS in the Region and advise on possible improvements and priorities for appropriate actions to be carried out under the respective WMO Programmes and cosponsored Programmes; (b) To keep abreast of new developments in WIS, promote the relevant WIS support to all WMO Programmes, and make recommendations, in compliance with relevant WMO Technical Regulations, for WIS implementation in the Region as regards communication techniques, communication structure, data management, data and metadata representation and relevant monitoring activities; (c) To keep under constant review the Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Network and its implementation, as the WIS component for time-critical and operation-critical exchange, identify shortcomings and recommend appropriate measures for remedial action in the Region; (d) To provide guidance to the Members of the Region in capacity-building for information and outreach relevant to improving WIS; (e) To communicate with WIS 2.0 strategy and plan on the regional requirements.
Recommendation 8: Updating 0f R2-WIS-IP ver1.1 According to the improvement of RMTN and the implementation of WIS centres since December 2013, the R2-WIS-IP is updated and a new version (version 1.1) has been submitted to RA II and WMO secretariat by the end of 2016. In this new version, amendments are mainly updating the implementation status for RMTN and WIS centres in RA II. RA II-16 is invited to review the new version and agreed to the amendments.
Recommendation 9: Add the training plan for 2017-2020 as an Annex to R2-WIS-IP RA II GISCs and RA II RTCs to outline the training plan 2017-2020, along with other centres offering training on WIS in the region. Add the training plan 2017-2020 as an Annex to the R2-WIS-IP.
Thank you!