Introduction It is a power driven machine for metal removing operation.
Principle Of Lathe The lathe operates on the principle of the work being rotated against the edge of a cutting tool. It is one of the oldest and most important machine tools. The cutting tool is controllable and can be moved lengthwise on the lathe bed and into any desired angle across the revolving work.
Main Parts Of Lathe 1) Bed 2)Head Stock 3)Tail Stock 4)Carriage 5) Feed Mechanism
Main Parts Of Lathe
Types Of Lathe 1) Speed Lathe 2) Centre Or Engine Lathe 3) Bench Lathe 4) Tool Room Lathe 5) Capstan and Turret Lathe 6) Automatic Lathe 7) Special Purpose Lathe
Operations On a Lathe 1) Plain Turning. 2) Facing 3) Step Turning 4) Taper Turning 5) Drilling 6) Reaming 7) Boring 8) Under cutting or Grooving 9) Threading 10) Knurling
Specification Of Lathe Lathe is specified by- 1) The height of centre measured from the lathe bed. 2) Swing diameter over bed. 3) Swing diameter over carriage. 4) Length between centers. 5) Maximum bar diameter through spindle. 6) Length of lathe. 7) Width of lathe. 8) Height of lathe.