Paratoi ar gyfer tasg 1.1 PREPARATION FOR TASK 1.1 Microteach Session Sesiwn Feicroddysgu Microteach Session
AMCANION OBJECTIVES Disgrifio meini prawf asesu tasg 1.1 Trafod gwahanol agweddau o’r sesiwn feicroddysgu Teimlo’n hyderus ynglŷn ag anghenion tasg 1.1? Describe task 1.1. assessment criteria Discuss different elements of the microteach session Feel confident about the expectations of task 1.1?
asesiad ASSESSMENT Tudalen 9 o’r llawlyfr Sesiwn feicroddysgu unigol – gwers/darlith ddwyieithog 30 munud o hyd Wedi’i chyflwyno i ddosbarth o gyd-ymarferwyr a thiwtoriaid Page 9 of the handbook An individual microteach session – a bilingual lesson/lecture 30 minutes in length Presented to a classroom of co-practitioners and tutors
Meini prawf asesu ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Tudalen 12: Ansawdd a manylion y cynllunio YN BENODOL: Cynllunio mewn perthynas ag anghenion ieithyddol y dysgwyr Page 12: Quality and detail in planning SPECIFICALLY: Plan in relation to the learners’ linguistic needs
Cynllun gwers LESSON PLAN Fel cynllun arferol… OND Mae angen tystiolaeth o waith ymchwil ar y dulliau dysgu ac addysgu dwyieithog Er enghraifft – taflen cynllun gwers Disgwylir i chi gynnwys cyfeiriadau yn y cynllun gwers gyda rhestr llyfryddiaeth ar wahân As you would prepare a usual lesson plan… BUT There needs to be evidence to show the research of bilingual teaching and learning methods For example – lesson plan sheet You are expected to include citations in the lesson plan with a separate references list
Meini prawf asesu ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Adnoddau’r wers Ansawdd yr adnoddau dysgu ac addysgu o ran perthnasedd, safon iaith a’r defnydd a wneir ohonynt The lesson resources The quality of the teaching and learning resources in terms of relevance, standard of Welsh and English and how they are used
Meini prawf asesu ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Defnydd iaith yr ymarferydd The practitioner’s language use
Meini prawf asesu ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Cyfleoedd i ddatblygu dwyieithrwydd y dysgwyr; methodolegau addysgu a chyflwyno Opportunities to develop the learners’ bilingualism; teaching and presenting methodologies
Meini prawf asesu ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Datblygu sgiliau dwyieithog y dysgwyr E.e. ydi pawb wedi datblygu geirfa bynciol arbenigol ddwyieithog? E.e. ydi’r tiwtor wedi gwahaniaethu, h.y. annog y rhai sydd â llai o Gymraeg i ynganu termau anghyfarwydd? Develop the learners’ bilingual skills E.g. has everyone developed specialist bilingual terminology? E.g. has the tutor differentiated, i.e. encourage those with less confidence in their Welsh language skills to pronounce unfamiliar terms?
Meini prawf asesu ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Pethau eraill… Other things…
Meini prawf asesu ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Pethau eraill… Strwythur y wers yn gyffredinol Amseriad Dulliau ac ansawdd asesu Tystiolaeth o ddysgu cynhwysol ar gyfer pob lefel o ddysgwr Other things… The structure of the lesson in general Timing Quality and methods of assessment Evidence of inclusive learning for every level of learner
Rhestr wirio (I’W GYFLWYNO AR Y DYDD) CHECK LIST (TO BE PRESENTED ON THE DAY) Cynllun gwers (gyda chyfeiriadau) Rhestr llyfryddiaeth ar wahân Adnoddau’r wers Lesson plan (with citation) Separate references list The lesson’s resources
Diolch Thank you