What changes did Mikhail Gorbachev bring to the Cold War?
Learning objective – to be able to explain the impact of the Mikhail Gorbachev on the Cold War. I can describe the impact of Gorbachev’s new policies on the Cold War. Grade D I can explain the impact of Gorbachev’s new policies on the Cold War. Grade B I can evaluate the impact of Gorbachev’s new policies on the Cold War. Grade A
Starter This word cloud is in the shape of Mikhail Gorbachev. During the presentation, list the words you can spot in the word cloud and explain why it relates to this lesson.
Who were the Soviet Union’s leaders in the early 1980s? Leonid Brezhnev President of the Soviet Union – 1964-82 Yuri Andropov President of the Soviet Union – 1982-84 Konstantin Chernenko President of the Soviet Union – 1984-85
Who was Mikhail Gorbachev? Young politician – For a Soviet leader, Gorbachev was very young – 54 years old when he became leader in 1985. Experienced politician – Gorbachev had five years experience at the Politburo, although his experience did not extend to foreign affairs. He saw Reagan as a class enemy and ‘mentally retarded’. A modern leader – Gorbachev wanted to modernise the Soviet Union, knowing it could not survive in its current state. He wanted to bring change and be more accessible compared with previous Soviet leaders. Save Communism – Gorbachev recognised that reforms were needed if Communism was to survive.
What was the condition of the Soviet Union in 1985? Bankrupt – High defence spending for forty years had crippled the Soviet economy. Poor living conditions – Living standards were poor compared with Europe. Indeed the average life expectancy for men dropped in the 1970s and 1980s. Corruption – There was a high level of corruption in Soviet politics. Many people had lost faith in the Communist system.
What were the key political changes introduced by Gorbachev? Perestroika – This meant restructuring and was the name given to Gorbachev’s economic reforms. Glasnost – This meant openness and this was the name given to the greater freedom given to the media. Glasnost allowed for the media to criticise and question the government. A new experience for the Soviets. Perestroika meant giving businesses more freedom from state control and raising the quality of Soviet produced goods.
What was the impact of Glasnost and Perestroika? Rapid growth of the popularity of Western culture – Pop music and McDonalds were particularly popular with the younger generation. Accessing these new forms of popular culture led to a greater desire for the young to have the same freedoms and standards of living as those in the West. Too little. Too late – Such was the condition of the Soviet economy that big changes could not happen as the economy could not cope with wholesale industrial reform. Unpopular – Glasnost and Perestroika was unpopular with the older politicians who did not want such change. Meanwhile the young were frustrated that these promised changes were not happening quickly enough.
What was the impact of the Chernobyl disaster of 1986? Explosion – In April 1986, there was an explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Ukraine. A huge amount of radiation was leaked into the atmosphere. A cover up – Gorbachev ordered a cover and denied that a dangerous leak of radiation had taken place. Western pressure – The Western media did not believe Gorbachev’s statement. Western governments put massive pressure on Gorbachev to tell the truth and the scale of the disaster.
Task Draw the following scale in your exercise books. Then place each development in the boxes below on the scale depending on how it changed the Soviet Union’s relationship with the West. Strengthened relationships with the West Weakened relationships with the West Wanted to save Communism Stayed silent about Chernobyl Talked about democracy Launched Glasnost Had very little foreign policy experience Recognised the need to reform the Soviet Union Launched Perestroika To a long time to hold democratic elections in the Soviet Union Thought Reagan was a class enemy
Extension Task Using your completed scale, answer the following exam style questions – Describe the key features of Glasnost. Outline two reasons why Gorbachev adopted the policies of Glasnost and Perestroika.
Plenary This word cloud is in the shape of Mikhail Gorbachev. Which word is the most significant in the word cloud? Explain your answer.