Warm up #10 Yesterday we saw in 1985, a new leader ___ ____, take control of the USSR. This would allow for great change in the USSR because he wanted to….. (what were the 5 things again he did?)
And with this new open minded ruler of the USSR, tension with the USA and Reagan will get better as the 2 leaders work together for change instead of just aggression. But….will this make things better also for the Eastern European countries that Stalin made sure all became Communist all the way back to the 1940’s after WWII?
And…they will start to act out against their Communist control… Well….The Eastern European countries under Communist control, started embracing the spirit of change that they saw with Gorbachev’s USSR leadership And…they will start to act out against their Communist control… This struggle for change began in Poland…we are now in 1981 *************************** Everyone turn to pg. 922 (Let’s read: Reforms in Poland and Hungary) Now look at #8 on your Topics Sheet…. Read: Solidarity Defeats Communists and answer the question….
Also in regards to Poland…During the reading, it mentioned the Pope at the time….We have to bring him up! Pope John Paul II had become Pope in 1978… He was from Poland (Look at #6 on your Topics Sheet) ************************************* He will be Pope from (1978-2005) This was a unique situation because he was from a communist controlled country that was beginning to seek its independence from Soviet control. Pope John Paul II opposed communist control of his country outwardly and supported all nations seeking reforms and independence. Lech Walesa, the founder of ‘Solidarity” in Poland, credited John Paul II with giving Poles the courage to demand change In December 1989, John Paul II met with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev at the Vatican and each expressed his respect and admiration for the other.
…Finish #6 on your Topics Sheet John Paul’s speaking out against Communism also brought on assassination attempts on his life in 81, 82 and in 95 Gorbachev, of Russia, once said "The collapse of the Iron Curtain would have been impossible without John Paul II". The pope would receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 …. For honoring his life's work in opposing Communist oppression and helping to reshape the world. …On John Paul's death, Mikhail Gorbachev said: "Pope John Paul II's devotion to his followers is a remarkable example to all of us.“ …Finish #6 on your Topics Sheet
By 1989 all Eastern Europe was on the verge of full retaliation… 1) In Hungary …..the Communists agreed to give up their monopoly on power, paving the way for free elections …Mikhail Gorbachev condoned Hungary’s moves and promised that the USSR would not interfere 2) Other countries will soon follow Hungary’s example. In August that year a million people linked arms across the Baltic states heralding independence for Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia Slide 14: Gorbachev’s Nobel Peace Prize was given to him not for what he did, but for what he did not do: Gorbachev did not intervene with the Soviet military to force the “Rebelling government” back to the Communist Party line (as the Soviet had done in Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968)
1989 ….The Berlin Wall Finally Falls! When Hungary became democratic it opened its borders with Austria. …Therefore, East Germans could travel from East Germany through Czechoslovakia to Hungary and into Austria and back into West Germany. As this happened, the wall became unnecessary and on Nov. 9, the East German government opened the border crossing to the West. More than any other event, the Fall of the Berlin Wall signified the ending of the Cold War. Be sure to have a map handy to show how this worked.
The people of Berlin were reunited as they destroyed the Berlin wall.
The wall…Now a memorial and a memory
By December 1989 … Now to finish answering #7 on your Topics Sheet *********************** …Communist governments in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania would collapse …From this….Multi-party, democratic systems of government are established throughout the Soviet controlled Eastern European States. Video: End of the Cold War https://app.discoveryeducation.com/learn/videos/D49C37D2-E7CF-4FB4-83B8-2B60E5768C62?hasLocalHost=false “And his wife”: apparently she was hated by the Romanians as much as Nicolae was.
….October 3 is still celebrated as the “Day of German Unity.” By October 1990 …. …Germany was reunited. …..After being divided and occupied for 45 years after World War II, the German states were once again united. ….October 3 is still celebrated as the “Day of German Unity.”
Also in 1990:Gorbachev received the Nobel Peace Prize for what he did…or should we say for what he did not do….Gorbachev, you are awesome!
…and finally in 1991 Then President, George Bush, declared the end of the Cold War. Gorbachev resigned, allowing for elections of the 1st President in Russia, and the Soviet Union was dissolved. The Soviet flag, the “Hammer and Sickle” was lowered from the Kremlin for the last time.…… The Cold War…had ended!!!!
OK! It’s QUIZ Time!!!!!