Good Afternoon! NVC The Cold War Winds Down George H.W. Bush and Post-Cold War America Essential Question : What were the foreign and domestic policy accomplishments and setbacks of George H.W. Bush’s presidency?
Cold War Winds Down Ronald Reagan increases pressure on Soviet Union Defense spending Diplomatic negotiations 1989 Mikhail Gorbachev announces Russia will no longer prop up Communist governments by force Perestroika: “Restructuring” of Soviet Union to make it more democratic and capitalist
A New President, A New World 1988 Republican George H.W. Bush elected President, promising to continue legacy of Ronald Reagan Chief concern: ending the Cold War 1991 Soviet Union formally dissolves during presidency George H.W. Bush
Crash Course: George H.W. Bush What were some foreign policy accomplishments of George H.W. Bush’s presidency? Provide TWO and explain how they were a success Reduced the amount of nuclear warheads START program Fights the First Iraq War against Saddam Hussein, Iraq had invaded Kuwait, accomplished what we wanted very fast with little losses What were some domestic policy failures of George H.W. Bush’s presidency? Provide TWO and explain how they were set backs. Raised taxes eventhough he said he wouldn’t broke a promise to the American people Unemployment goes up to 7.2% Economic Recession Why does George H.W. Bush ultimately fail to get re-elected president 1992? Domestic issues result in his failures Tax increase!
Exit Ticket Do you think George H.W. Bush should be considered a successful president? Create a thesis statement and provide two pieces of evidence to support your claim! Thesis Sentence Starter: George H.W. Bush WAS/WAS NOT a successful president because __________