An Internationalised Curriculum Dr Pat Beckley
What does an internationalised curriculum entail?
Clifford, 2009: 135 …‘curricula, pedagogies and assessments that foster: understanding of global perspectives and how these intersect and interact with the local and the personal; intercultural capabilities in terms of actively engaging with other cultures; and responsible citizenship in terms of addressing differing value systems and subsequent actions’.
He academy in partnership with BGU, 2015 Internationalisation of the curriculum is the incorporation of an international and intercultural dimension into the content of the curriculum as well as the teaching and learning processes and support services of a programme of study.
Griffith University Internationalisation involves the integration of international, intercultural and global dimensions into the formal and informal curriculum. Education Promotion and understanding of and respect for students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, use of international resources in the classroom, educating students for a global workplace.
What is an Internationalised curriculum? Awareness of others and diverse philosophies (intercultural)- preparation to become global citizens (global)? Access and support for an International community (international)?
Visit to Norway 2011
Norwegian Philosophy – Friluftsliv, "free air life" is not easily translated into English
The breakfast area
Lunch by the lake
Nursery in uganda
What is an Internationalised curriculum? Awareness of others and diverse philosophies (intercultural)- preparation to become global citizens (global)? Access and support for an International community (international)?
‘We must foster global citizenship ‘We must foster global citizenship. Education is about more than literacy and numeracy. It is also about citizenry. Education must fully assume its essential role in helping people to forge just, peaceful and tolerant societies.’ Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary –General (2012)