Unit Writing Presentation to: Presentation by: @agored.org.uk Date:
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Aim to identify the principles and practices associated with unit procuduction to enable centres, irrespective of size or type of provision, to apply systems to satisfy the demands of Agored Cymru regarding internal verification.
What are units? Units give detail of: AND Units contain 5 key features What the learner is expected to know, understand or do after a period of learning AND The criteria used to judge if the outcome is achieved Units contain 5 key features
Key features of units title level credit value learning outcomes assessment criteria Title – needs to be clear and unambiguous Level – a unit can have one of eight levels, Pre Entry, Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, 1, 2, 3, 4 (Agored Cymru have only recently been including units at level 4) Credit value – this identifies the number of credits a learner is awarded upon successful achievement of a the unit. 1 credit is = to 10 notional hours of learning Learning outcomes – a coherent set of measurable achievements Assessment criteria – enable a judgement to be made about whether or not, and how well, the students have achieved the learning outcomes A unit does not contain everything that is taught but the key achievements that the learner is expected to leave with at the end of the learning process. These achievements, the results of the learning, must be demonstrated through assessment. Give out A5 CQFW leaflet – why is credit important to you? Section Use other leaflets FAN diagram / pillars frameworks rough guide if required
What is unit plus? A unit must be written on the approved template from the website. http://www.agored.org.uk/getfile.aspx?fileid=378 UW1 The learning outcome and assessment criteria are accompanied by an assessment information grid The assessment grid gives details of the prescribed and optional assessment activities to be used with the unit UW2 Give out copy of unit plus
Mapping units to standards Units must be mapped to National Standards: National Occupational Standards (N.O.S) NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (eKSF) National Standards for Literacy and Numeracy Signposting ESDGC (Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship) Mapping to National Occupational Standards Units must be mapped against the appropriate National Occupational Standards. Current National Occupational Standards can be found on website http://www.ukstandards.co.uk/Find_Occupational_Standards.aspx. Link to KSF if appropriate Mapping to Key Skills Standards Where no National Occupational Standards exist, Level 1, 2 and 3 units must be mapped to Key Skills. Further details in your workbooks. -We no longer map units to Key Skills. Key skills have to be delivered in a particular way and Essential skills will take over in Wales Mapping to the National Standards for Literacy and Numeracy Entry, Level 1 and Level 2 units must be mapped to the Adult Literacy and Numeracy Core Curricula (as appropriate) to show opportunities for learners to develop these skills.
Component Parts of a Unit 1. title Should be relevant, unambiguous and clear Reflect the content of the unit Give a clear sense of achievement in the unit to those external to the learning process not contain numbers references to level (e.g basic, foundation etc) assessment methods extraneous information Use the workbook to highlight areas to consider. Get group to work in pairs and produce a title – feedback from group & discuss
Component Parts of a Unit 2: level determined by referencing the learning outcomes and assessment criteria against the QCF level descriptors UW3 descriptors provide broad definitions useful to cross reference against existing unit at ajacent levels The level descriptors comprise three different strands: Intellectual Skills and Attributes, Processes Accountability. They are intended to provide a broad definition, rather than to be prescriptive – level depends on a wide range of factors. As level represents a band within a developmental continuum, its also difficult to provide definite boundaries between levels. This is why its useful to benchmark against existing units. The language used in the assessment criteria is crucial to expressing the level effectively.
Component Parts of a Unit 3: Credit & level credit – a european currency 1 credit = 10 hours of learning time level – learning scale from Entry to level 8 in CQFW credit + level = credit value Refer to leaflet – your guide to credit & qualifications CQFW publication in pack
Component parts of a unit 4: learning outcomes ‘What the learners need to know, understand or be able to do, as a result of this learning experience’. broad statements related to level - may include recognise understand know design perform create use ( if for practical application) The number of learning outcomes needs to be inserted in at the top of the unit In identifying outcomes, the following questions should be addressed ‘What do learners need to know, understand or be able to do, as a result of this learning experience?’ The answer to these questions should take the form of a series of broad statements that may include the following phrases: (as per slide) Get group to work in pairs and produce Los against the title written earlier– feedback from group & discuss
Component parts of a unit 4. learning outcomes short and succinct statements - using neutral language describe the results of a learning process rather than the learning process itself coherent group of statements that relate to each other and the title of the unit Learning outcomes may remain the same at adjacent levels, for example, level 1 and level 2, thus creating sibling units. If units cover a range of levels, it may be necessary to modify, add or delete outcomes that are not achievable at the lower levels or are assumed/subsumed at the higher levels. Although learning outcomes express the knowledge, skills and understanding learners are expected to acquire, they do not contain the qualitative detail that expresses the range, the degree of complexity or the degree of autonomy, and which defines the level. This detail is contained within the unit’s Assessment Criteria. Whilst the number of learning outcomes is not prescribed, it is important to remember that all outcomes must be assessed for the learner to achieve the unit and it is not necessary to assess everything the learner knows/understands/does. For example: “Understand the causes of unemployment.” Rather than: “Demonstrate an accurate and detailed knowledge of a least three perspectives on the causes of unemployment.” The latter includes both qualitative (accurate and detailed knowledge) and quantitative (at least three) detail.
Component parts of a unit 5: assessment criteria describe precisely what a learner is expected to be able to do in order to prove the achievement of the learning outcome are measurable and indicate the standard expected when the learner is assessed reflect the range, degree of autonomy and complexity associated with the level ( so use appropriate language) Refer to the table on page 81 of the ‘Guidelines for writing Credit-Based units of assessment for the Qualifications and Credit Framework… Here are some verbs that can be used in criteria at different levels, although the nature of the learning will also determine the language used. For example, ‘identify the nature and qualities of a black hole’ is hardly Level 1 achievement!
Activity 1 UW4 consider the : title learning outcome assessment criteria level credit value discussing what is good or could be improved Give out examples of units to be reviewed “Environmental Issues” or participants can use their own units. Group work: Discuss the unit and comment on the good and the not so good aspects. Then, on flipchart paper – write up what was good and what needs improving. Use the checklists in the appendices of the workbook to help. During feedback from each of the groups. Participants may want to make notes on page 11 or their workbooks
Finding suitable units WB page 2 whole range already available on website www.agored.org.uk unit review process remember don’t reinvent the wheel adapt/ amend if neccessary nothing suitable write a new one WB page 3 & 4 Give out copies of the Adding new units form. Existing units should be added using the same form until the unit basket is functional on the website ACTIVITY – split into groups – (where possible group people who work together with each other) Refer the group to page 12 of the workbook Ask them to discuss the questions/topics listed on the page and to write their initial thoughts or draft answers in the relevant boxes. Allow enough time for each group to feedback/discussion
Next Steps compile final list of units send any new unit final draft to Agored Cymru contact for advice complete the addition of units to the framework via the QA manager
Conclusion expanded understanding of the unit writing process within Agored Cymru quality assurance system. www.agored.org.uk
Lead contact for unit writing Any questions? Lead contact for unit writing Peter Johnson Peter.johnson@agored.org.uk 029 20 74 1866
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