Jesus of the Old and Jesus of the New
You can’t understand the New Testament and appreciate it without the promises given and prophesied in the old testament
Heb 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross …….. =
Outer Court Divided into Three Mosaic Law Jesus the way All by Justification
Divided into Three Grace (Church Age) Jesus the Truth Holy Place Grace (Church Age) Jesus the Truth All by Sanctification
Divided into Three Holy of Holies Messianic Kingdom Jesus the Life All in Glorification
The Altar of Offering The Outer Court Gate East side - John 10: 9 Jesus said: I am the door….. Brazen Altar – fire never went out Lev. 6: 12-13 Fulfillment of the cross Sacrifice of Sin, Jesus the final sacrifice for our Sin
The Bronze Laver Don’t forget to wash. The Bronze shine like a mirror. You are exposed to yourself. Your sin stand against you Jesus took your sin away, You are free and clean This is a symbolism of the water baptism Bronze symbolize Sin & Judgment
Table of Show Breads The 12 Loaves represent the 12 Tribes It also represent the body of Christ Made of Acacia wood overlaid with Gold Acacia represent the flesh man Christ The Gold represent the Deity of Christ John 6:32 – 35: It’s not Moses giving you the bread of heaven, but it is my Father giving you the true bread from heaven. Jesus is the bread….
The Lamp stand Pure Gold: Devine light of God 7 Branches , 66 blossoms on branches Church dispensations and 66 books of the Bible Eph. 1: 17 – 19 I keep asking that God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. ……….
Incents is Prayer Altar of Incents Live a lifestyle that speak of Him our Savior!! Heb 7: 24 – 25 ……………… for Jesus lives to intercede for us………. 1 Thessalonians 5 : 17 pray continually….
Arc of the Covenant Holy of Holies The veil = Only one can enter, now we can all enter in but He the Christ enter into us His tabernacle Matt 27 : 50 – 51 Veil torn
Arc of the Covenant Holy of Holies Inside was the Manna = Bread of life John 6 : 32 – 35 Inside was Aarons Rod = Resurrection Life Tablets of stone = Represent not just the law but Jesus whom kept the Law. Holy of Holies
Arc of the Covenant Holy of Holies Heb. 4 : 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin Holy of Holies
The cross were revealed through the Tabernacle
Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle Jesus Christ, before the foundation of the world Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle Jesus in the desert with Moses 1 Corinthians. 10 : 1 - 4
For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, ….. 1 Corinthians. 10 : 1 – 4 For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, ….. the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ