Starter for 5! Why do some Christians disagree with infant baptism? Give two features of a believers’ baptism. What is the difference between set prayer and informal prayer? Which quote shows Christians The Son (Jesus) was involved in creation? Which aim of punishment does the death penalty not meet?
Starter for 5! Why do some Christians disagree with infant baptism? Because the baby is too young to understand the importance of baptism, they should wait until they are old enough to make a mature decision. Give two features of a believers’ baptism. The person is fully immersed in the pool, they may read a passage from the Bible, the person being baptised may read a testimony, the minister will say ‘in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit’. What is the difference between set prayer and informal prayer? Set prayer involves the saying words that have been written down and said by more than one person whereas informal prayer involves the believer making up their own words. Which quote shows Christians The Son (Jesus) was involved in creation? ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Which aim of punishment does the death penalty not meet? Reformation (changing behaviour).
Sacraments – Holy Communion Learning Objective: To explain the sacrament of Holy Communion and the different ways it is celebrated in different churches. I can explain the sacrament of Holy Communion and its importance to Christians. I can describe different ways Holy Communion is celebrated. I can compare the similarities and differences between the ways Holy Communion is celebrated. Please note – there is a lot to get through this lesson!
What is Holy Communion? Keyword: Holy Communion Holy Communion (also known as the Eucharist) is one of the seven sacraments. It uses bread and wine to celebrate and remember the sacrifice of Jesus dying on the cross and resurrecting. It originated from the Last Supper that Jesus ate with his disciplines the night before he was crucified. Play clip of the Passion (part 2) from the beginning to show the Last Supper
Why is Holy Communion important? Watch the clip and note down why Holy Communion is so important for Christians. Holy Communion is an important part of worship – they receive God’s grace It brings the Church community together – it gives support and encouragement Reminds them of God’s sacrifice and forgiveness
Sacraments – Holy Communion Learning Objective: To explain the sacrament of Holy Communion and the different ways it is celebrated in different churches. I can explain the sacrament of Holy Communion and its importance to Christians. I can describe different ways Holy Communion is celebrated. I can compare the similarities and differences between the ways Holy Communion is celebrated. Please note – there is a lot to get through this lesson!
Research Runner You are going to be finding out about how different Christians celebrate Holy Communion. You will be working in groups. You need to come up to the front and collect a question from your colour envelope and take it back to your group. Use the information pack to answer your question, write the question and answer into your book. When EVERYONE in your group has finished, someone else needs to bring their sheet to show it has been done and collect a new question. A new person should be coming up each time. The first group to complete the questions will win Gold e-refs. Once the first group have finished, the rest of the groups will have 3 minutes to complete. The research material for this research runner is a photocopied page from pages 44-45 in the AQA textbook. There is also a worksheet for students to fill in
If you have finished watch some of the following clips: Extension If you have finished watch some of the following clips: Orthodox Divine Liturgy Roman Catholic Mass
Sacraments – Holy Communion Learning Objective: To explain the sacrament of Holy Communion and the different ways it is celebrated in different churches. I can explain the sacrament of Holy Communion and its importance to Christians. I can describe different ways Holy Communion is celebrated. I can compare the similarities and differences between the ways Holy Communion is celebrated. Please note – there is a lot to get through this lesson!
What are the similarities and differences? Draw out from their research that for Catholics and Orthodox Christians and some Anglicans believe that the bread and wine become the body of Christ – Jesus is fully present in the bread and wine. Protestant Christians do not believe this, but instead perform Holy Communion as a reminder of Jesus’ works and actions at the Last Supper – it is a symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice. Also use this as a reminder that no matter their beliefs about Communion, all would agree it helps bring the community together and bring them closer to God.
Sacraments – Holy Communion Learning Objective: To explain the sacrament of Holy Communion and the different ways it is celebrated in different churches. I can explain the sacrament of Holy Communion and its importance to Christians. I can describe different ways Holy Communion is celebrated. I can compare the similarities and differences between the ways Holy Communion is celebrated. Please note – there is a lot to get through this lesson!