מימוש מערכות מסדי נתונים (236510) Lecture 1 : Oracle Database 12c Architecture Part2 Rev : 2.3 Date modified : 19.10.2016 By David Yitzhak shaked19@gmail.com http://www.iloug.org.il/DBA_NorthForum.php http://www.ildba.co.il/author/cimid/ http://www.sqlserver.co.il/?cat=940 Global Hebrew Virtual PASS Chapter : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4hGjYGBfkc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJO8G9if3EY Sqlsaturday Israel 2016 : http://www.sqlsaturday.com/481/Sessions/Details.aspx?sid=40854 Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 1
Oracle Database 12c Architecture: Major background processes There are several aspects to note. Communication with the database is initiated through a sqlplus user process. Typically, the user process connects to the database over the network. This requires that you configure and start a listener process. The listener process hands off incoming connection requests to an Oracle server process, which handles all subsequent communication with the client process. If a remote connection is initiated as a sys*-level user, then a password file is required. A password file is also required for local sys* connections that don’t use OS authentication. The instance consists of memory structures and background processes. When the instance starts, it reads the parameter file, which helps establish the size of the memory processes and other characteristics of the instance. When starting a database, the instance goes through three phases: nomount (instance started), mount (control files opened), and open (data files and online redo logs opened). The number of background processes varies by database version (more than 300 in the latest version of Oracle). You can view the names and descriptions of the processes via this query: SQL> select name, description from v$bgprocess; The major background processes include DBWn: The database writer wr • ites blocks from the database buffer cache to the data files. • CKPT: The checkpoint process writes checkpoint information to the control files and data file headers. • LGWR: The log writer writes redo information from the log buffer to the online redo logs. • ARCn: The archiver copies the content of online redo logs to archive redo log files. • RVWR: The recovery writer maintains before images of blocks in the fast recovery area. • MMON: The manageability monitor process gathers automatic workload repository statistics. • MMNL: The manageability monitor lite process writes statistics from the active session history buffer to disk. • SMON: The system monitor performs system level clean-up operations, including instance recovery in the event of a failed instance, coalescing free space, and cleaning up temporary space. • PMON: The process monitor cleans up abnormally terminated database connections and also automatically registers a database instance with the listener process. • RECO: The recoverer process automatically resolves failed distributed transactions. ARCn: The archiver copies the content of online redo logs to archive redo log files. CKPT: Checkpoint process writes checkpoint information : checkpoint position, SCN to control files and data file headers , location in online redo log to begin recovery, and so on DBWn: Database writer writes dirty modified blocks from DB buffer cache to the data files. LGWR: The log writer writes redo information from the log buffer to the online redo logs. Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 2
Oracle Database 12c Architecture major background processes DBWn: The database writer writes blocks from the database buffer cache to the data files. CKPT: The checkpoint process writes checkpoint information to the control files and data file headers. LGWR: The log writer writes redo information from the log buffer to the online redo logs. ARCn: The archiver copies the content of online redo logs to archive redo log files. RVWR: The recovery writer maintains before images of blocks in the fast recovery area. MMON: The manageability monitor process gathers automatic workload repository statistics. MMNL: The manageability monitor lite process writes statistics from the active session history buffer to disk. SMON: The system monitor performs system level clean-up operations, including instance recovery in the event of a failed instance, coalescing free space, and cleaning up temporary space. PMON: The process monitor cleans up abnormally terminated database connections and also automatically registers a database instance with the listener process. RECO: The recoverer process automatically resolves failed distributed transactions. Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 3
Checkpoint Process (CKPT) Mandatory Background Processes Updates the control file and data file headers with checkpoint information and signals DBW to write blocks to disk. Checkpoint information includes the checkpoint position, SCN, location in online redo log to begin recovery, and so on CKPT does not write data blocks to data files or redo blocks to online redo log files System change number (SCN) is Oracle's clock - every time we commit, the clock increments. The SCN just marks a consistent point in time in the database. A checkpoint is the act of writing dirty modified blocks from the buffer cache to disk. DB ALWAYS has transactions going on. SMON and many other background processes are always doing work, the database (unless it is opened read only) is always doing transactions. Checkpoint Process (CKPT) The checkpoint process (CKPT) updates the control file and data file headers with checkpoint information and signals DBW to write blocks to disk. Checkpoint information includes the checkpoint position, SCN, location in online redo log to begin recovery, and so on. As shown in Figure CKPT does not write data blocks to data files or redo blocks to online redo log files. Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 4
Database Writer Process(DBWn ) Write modified (dirty) buffer in database buffer cache to disk Asynchronously while performing other process to advance checkpoint .
Log Writer Process (LGWR) Writes the redo log buffer to a redo log file on disk writes When user commit a transaction When the redo log buffer is one-third full Before a DBWn process writes modified buffers to disk Every 3 seconds
Online Redo Logs(ORLs ) Crucial to the Oracle database Transaction logs for DB Two types of redo log files: online and archived Used for recovery purposes in the event of an instance or media failure. What Is Redo? Redo log files are crucial to the Oracle database. These are the transaction logs for the database. Oracle maintains two types of redo log files: online and archived. They are used for recovery purposes; their main purpose in life is to be used in the event of an instance or media failure. If the power goes off on your database machine, causing an instance failure, Oracle will use the online redo logs to restore the system to exactly the committed point it was at immediately prior to the power outage. If your disk drive fails (a media failure), Oracle will use both archived redo logs and online redo logs to recover a backup of the data that was on that drive to the correct point in time. Moreover, if you “accidentally” truncate a table or remove some critical information and commit the operation, you can restore a backup of the affected data and recover it to the point in time immediately prior to the “accident” using online and archived redo log files. Archived redo log files are simply copies of old, full online redo log files. As the system fills up log files, the ARCn process makes a copy of the online redo log file in another location, and optionally puts several other copies into local and remote locations as well. These archived redo log files are used to perform media recovery when a failure is caused by a disk drive going bad or some other physical fault. Oracle can take these archived redo log files and apply them to backups of the data files to catch them up to the rest of the database. They are the transaction history of the database.
Online Redo Log Switches log writer is the background process responsible for writing transaction information from redo log buffer (in the SGA) to the online redo log files (on disk). Log writer flushes the contents of the redo log buffer when any of thefollowing are true: A COMMIT is issued. A log switch occurs. Three seconds go by. Redo log buffer is one-third full. Redo log buffer fills to one megabyte. Reuse of Online Redo Log Files Multiple Copies of Online Redo Log Files Online Redo Log Switches Oracle Database uses only one online redo log file at a time to store records written from the redo log buffer. The online redo log file to which the log writer process (LGWR) process is actively writing is called the current online redo log file. A log switch occurs when the database stops writing to one online redo log file and begins writing to another. Normally, a switch occurs when the current online redo log file is full and writing must continue. However, you can configure log switches to occur at regular intervals, regardless of whether the current online redo log file is filled, and force log switches manually. Log writer writes to online redo log files circularly. When log writer fills the last available online redo log file, the process writes to the first log file, restarting the cycle. Figure illustrates the circular writing of the redo log. Multiple Copies of Online Redo Log Files Oracle Database can automatically maintain two or more identical copies of the online redo log in separate locations. An online redo log group consists of an online redo log file and its redundant copies. Each identical copy is a member of the online redo log group. Each group is defined by a number, such as group 1, group 2, and so on. Maintaining multiple members of an online redo log group protects against the loss of the redo log. Ideally, the locations of the members should be on separate disks so that the failure of one disk does not cause the loss of the entire online redo log. In Figure A_LOG1 and B_LOG1 are identical members of group 1, while A_LOG2 and B_LOG2 are identical members of group 2. Each member in a group must be the same size. LGWR writes concurrently to group 1 (members A_LOG1 and B_LOG1), then writes concurrently to group 2 (members A_LOG2 and B_LOG2), then writes to group 1, and so on. LGWR never writes concurrently to members of different groups. Overview of the Online Redo Log Physical Storage Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 8
Reuse of Online Redo Log At time 1, Block A is read from Data File AA into the buffer cache and modified. At time 2 the redo-change vector information (how the block changed) is written to the log buffer. At time 3 the log-writer process writes the Block Achange-vector information to online redo log 1. At time 4 a log switch occurs, and online redo log 2 becomes the current online redo log Redo protected until the modified (dirty) buffer is written to disk At time 1, Block A is read from Data File AA into the buffer cache and modified. At time 2 the redo-change vector information (how the block changed) is written to the log buffer. At time 3 the log-writer process writes the Block A change-vector information to online redo log 1. At time 4 a log switch occurs, and online redo log 2 becomes the current online redo log Reuse of Online Redo Log Files Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 9
Oracle normally only writes change vectors to the redo stream Oracle only records a change vector in the redo stream that specifies which block changed and how it was changed. Figure shows Oracle operating under normal conditions.
Logging and Archiving Redo Log Files Archive Log Files Arch 1 LGWR Group 1 Group 3 Group 2 ARCH Arch 2 Arch 5 Arch 4 Arch 3 Arch 6 Redo Log Files Archive Log Files
Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 12 Database and Instance Database Set of files, located on disk, that store data. These files can exist independently of a database instance. Database instance Set of memory structures that manage database files. Instance consists of a shared memory area, called the system global area (SGA), and a set of background processes. An instance can exist independently of database files. For each user connection to the instance, a client process runs the application. Each client process is associated with its own server process. Server process has its own private session memory, known as the program global area (PGA). Database and Instance An Oracle database server consists of a database and at least one database instance, commonly referred to as simply an instance.Because an instance and a database are so closely connected, the term Oracle database is sometimes used to refer to both instance and database. In the strictest sense the terms have the following meanings: • Database A database is a set of files, located on disk, that store data. These files can exist independently of a database instance. • Database instance An instance is a set of memory structures that manage database files. The instance consists of a shared memory area, called the system global area (SGA), and a set of background processes. An instance can exist independently of database files. Figure 1-1 shows a database and its instance. For each user connection to the instance, a client process runs the application. Each client process is associated with its own server process. The server process has its own private session memory, known as the program global area (PGA). A database can be considered from both a physical and logical perspective. Physical data is data viewable at the operating system level. For example, operating system utilities such as the Linux ls and ps can list database files and processes. Logical data such as a table is meaningful only for the database. A SQL statement can list the tables in an Oracle database, but an operating system utility cannot. The database has physical structures and logical structures. Because the physical and logical structures are separate, you can manage the physical storage of data without affecting access to logical storage structures. For example, renaming a physical database file does not rename the tables whose data is stored in this file. Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 12
Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 13 Oracle Instance A database instance is a set of memory structures that manage database files. When an instance is started, Oracle Database allocates a memory area called the system global area (SGA) and starts one or more background processes. SGA serves various purpose: Maintaining internal data structures that many processes and threads access Concurrently . Caching data blocks read from disk Buffering redo data before writing it to the online redo log files Storing SQL execution plans Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 13
Database Architecture : Databases and Instances Instance memory Structures (RAM) and Background processes (CPU) that uses the physical components to manipulate and retrieve data. Database set of physical files (Datafiles) saved on the disk that store information. created by the CREATE DATABASE statement. One instance communicates with one database. The host machine is where users and applications connect and interact. If the machine goes down for some reason, DB will be unavailable. The solution : Real Application Clusters (RAC) . Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 14
Database Architecture : Databases and Instances Rules : An instance can exist without a database. Database can exist without an instance but would be useless An instance can access only one database. You can set up multiple instances to access the same set of files or one database. Clustering is the basis for the Oracle Real Application Clusters feature . Reason to distinguish between Instance and Database Single Instance VS RAC Relationship through separation . Other RDBMS like SQL Server , Sybase ,DB2 terms means different things Rules : An instance can exist without a database. Database can exist without an instance but would be useless Every running Oracle database is associated with at least one Oracle database instance. An instance can access only one database. When you start your instance, the next step is to mount that instance to a database. An instance can mount only one database at a time. You can set up multiple instances to access the same set of files or one database. Clustering is the basis for the Oracle Real Application Clusters feature . Reason to distinguish between Instance and Database Single Instance VS RAC Relationship through separation . Other RDBMS like SQL Server , Sybase ,DB2 terms means different things Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 15
Oracle Database 12c Architecture DB components : memory structures, process structures , and storage structures. Process and memory structures together are called an instance; Storage structure is called a database. Instance and DB are called an Oracle server. One instance communicates with one database. The host machine is where users and applications connect and interact. If the machine goes down for some reason, DB will be unavailable. Solution : Real Application Clusters (RAC) Each Oracle database consists of several schemas that reside in tablespaces. Tablespace is a logical storage structure at the highest level in the database. Each tablespace consists of one or more data files. The database has user data and overhead like database dictionary, memory, control files, archived log files, flashback files, etc. Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 16
Online Redo Log Switches log writer is the background process responsible for writing transaction information from redo log buffer (in the SGA) to the online redo log files (on disk). Log writer flushes the contents of the redo log buffer when any of thefollowing are true: A COMMIT is issued. A log switch occurs. Three seconds go by. Redo log buffer is one-third full. Redo log buffer fills to one megabyte. Reuse of Online Redo Log Files Multiple Copies of Online Redo Log Files Online Redo Log Switches Oracle Database uses only one online redo log file at a time to store records written from the redo log buffer. The online redo log file to which the log writer process (LGWR) process is actively writing is called the current online redo log file. A log switch occurs when the database stops writing to one online redo log file and begins writing to another. Normally, a switch occurs when the current online redo log file is full and writing must continue. However, you can configure log switches to occur at regular intervals, regardless of whether the current online redo log file is filled, and force log switches manually. Log writer writes to online redo log files circularly. When log writer fills the last available online redo log file, the process writes to the first log file, restarting the cycle. Figure illustrates the circular writing of the redo log. Multiple Copies of Online Redo Log Files Oracle Database can automatically maintain two or more identical copies of the online redo log in separate locations. An online redo log group consists of an online redo log file and its redundant copies. Each identical copy is a member of the online redo log group. Each group is defined by a number, such as group 1, group 2, and so on. Maintaining multiple members of an online redo log group protects against the loss of the redo log. Ideally, the locations of the members should be on separate disks so that the failure of one disk does not cause the loss of the entire online redo log. In Figure A_LOG1 and B_LOG1 are identical members of group 1, while A_LOG2 and B_LOG2 are identical members of group 2. Each member in a group must be the same size. LGWR writes concurrently to group 1 (members A_LOG1 and B_LOG1), then writes concurrently to group 2 (members A_LOG2 and B_LOG2), then writes to group 1, and so on. LGWR never writes concurrently to members of different groups. Overview of the Online Redo Log Physical Storage Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 17
Reuse of Online Redo Log At time 1, Block A is read from Data File AA into the buffer cache and modified. At time 2 the redo-change vector information (how the block changed) is written to the log buffer. At time 3 the log-writer process writes the Block Achange-vector information to online redo log 1. At time 4 a log switch occurs, and online redo log 2 becomes the current online redo log Redo protected until the modified (dirty) buffer is written to disk At time 1, Block A is read from Data File AA into the buffer cache and modified. At time 2 the redo-change vector information (how the block changed) is written to the log buffer. At time 3 the log-writer process writes the Block A change-vector information to online redo log 1. At time 4 a log switch occurs, and online redo log 2 becomes the current online redo log Reuse of Online Redo Log Files Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 18
Oracle Database 12c Architecture DB components : memory structures, process structures , and storage structures. Process and memory structures together are called an instance; Storage structure is called a database. Instance and DB are called an Oracle server. One instance communicates with one database. The host machine is where users and applications connect and interact. If the machine goes down for some reason, DB will be unavailable. Solution : Real Application Clusters (RAC) Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 19
Oracle database server- Real Application Cluster More than one instance communicates to a single database . If an instance fails, the remaining instances in the RAC pool remain open and active. Connections from failed instances can be failed-over to active instances. Oracle manages the connection load balancing and failover automatically. Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 20
Oracle RAC architecture and components Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 21
User and Server Processes Additional memory structure : program global area (PGA) is also created for each server process. PGA stores user-specific session information like bind variables and session variables. Every server process on the server has a PGA memory area. Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 22
User and Server Processes Example On a Unix system : User initiates SQL*Plus to connect to Oracle database. User process with process ID 10704 by david. This starts another server process that connects to the instance with process ID 10706 owned by database server user oracle. $ ps -ef |grep sqlplus | grep -v grep david 10704 10511 0 03:51 pts/2 00:00:00 sqlplus $ ps -ef |grep 10604 | grep -v grep david 10704 10511 0 03:51 pts/2 00:00:00 sqlplus oracle 10706 10704 0 03:52 ? 00:00:00 oracleC12DB1 (DESCRIPTION=(LOCAL=YES)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp))) Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 23
Connections and Sessions A database connection is a physical communication pathway between a client process and a database instance. A database session is a logical entity in the database instance memory that represents the state of a current user login to a database. session lasts from the time the user is authenticated by the database until the time the user disconnects or exits the database application. A single connection can have 0, 1, or more sessions established on it. The sessions are independent: a commit in one session does not affect transactions in other sessions. Connections and Sessions A database connection is a physical communication pathway between a client process and a database instance. During a connection, a communication pathway is established using available interprocess communication mechanisms or network software. Typically, a connection occurs between a client process and a server process or dispatcher, but it can also occur between a client process and Oracle Connection Manager (CMAN). A database session is a logical entity in the database instance memory that represents the state of a current user login to a database. For example, when a user is authenticated by the database with a password, a session is established for this user. A session lasts from the time the user is authenticated by the database until the time the user disconnects or exits the database application. A single connection can have 0, 1, or more sessions established on it. The sessions are independent: a commit in one session does not affect transactions in other sessions. Multiple sessions can exist concurrently for a single database user. As shown in the following figure, user hr can have multiple connections to a database. In dedicated server connections, the database creates a server process on behalf of each connection. Only the client process that causes the dedicated server to be created uses it. In a shared server connection, many client processes access a single shared server process. Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 24
How Many Databases on One Server? Architecture with one server per database Profitable for the hardware vendor but in many environments isn’t an economical use of resources. Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 25
How Many Databases on One Server? Multiple databases sharing one set of Oracle binaries on a server If you have enough memory, CPU, and disk resources consider creating multiple databases on one server. You can create a new installation of the Oracle binaries for each database or have multiple databases share one set of Oracle binaries. If you have requirements for different versions of Oracle binaries, you must have multiple Oracle homes . Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 26
How Many Databases on One Server? One database used by multiple applications and users If you don’t have the CPU, memory, or disk resources to create multiple databases on one server To save Oracle License because it is usually per cpu core . be careful not to use public synonyms, because there may be collisions between applications. It’s typical to create different schemas and tablespaces to be used by different applications in such environments. Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 27
Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 28 Oracle Database 12c — Multitenant architecture with pluggable databases Oracle Database 12c comes with a major architectural change compared to its predecessors. Oracle Database 12c allows multitenancy: you can have more than one database in a structure called a container database. The database overhead will be shared by all the databases in the container database. The databases in the container database are called pluggable databases. Administration and resource overhead are reduced . Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 28
Benefits of the Multitenant Architecture for Database Consolidation Cost reduction Easier management and monitoring of the physical database Separation of data and code Secure separation of administrative duties Ease of performance tuning Support for Oracle Database Resource Manager Fewer database patches and upgrades Single CDB efits of the Multitenant Architecture for Database Consolidation Database consolidation is the process of consolidating data from multiple databases into one database on one computer. Starting in Oracle Database 12c, the Oracle Multitenant option enables you to consolidate data and code without altering existing schemas or applications. The PDB/non-CDB compatibility guarantee means that a PDB behaves the same as a non-CDB as seen from a client connecting with Oracle Net. The installation scheme for an application back end that runs against a non-CDB runs the same against a PDB and produces the same result. Also, the run-time behavior of client code that connects to the PDB containing the application back end is identical to the behavior of client code that connected to the non-CDB containing this back end. Operations that act on an entire non-CDB act in the same way on an entire CDB, for example, when using Oracle Data Guard and database backup and recovery. Thus, the users, administrators, and developers of a non-CDB have substantially the same experience after the database has been consolidated. Figure 17-3 depicts the databases in Figure 17-2 after consolidation onto one computer. The DBA team is reduced from five to three, with one CDB administrator managing the CDB while two PDB administrators split management of the PDBs Using the multitenant architecture for database consolidation has the following benefits: • Cost reduction By consolidating hardware and sharing database memory and files, you reduce costs for hardware, storage, availability, and labor. For example, 100 PDBs on a single server share one database instance and one set of database files, thereby requiring less hardware and fewer personnel. • Easier and more rapid movement of data and code By design, you can quickly plug a PDB into a CDB, unplug the PDB from the CDB, and then plug this PDB into a different CDB. The implementation technique for plugging and unplugging is similar to the transportable tablespace technique. • Easier management and monitoring of the physical database The CDB administrator can attend to one physical database (one set of files and one set of database instances) rather than split attention among dozens or hundreds of non-CDBs. Backup strategies and disaster recovery are simplified. • Separation of data and code Although consolidated into a single physical database, PDBs mimic the behavior of non-CDBs. For example, if user error loses critical data, a PDB administrator can use Oracle Flashback or point-in-time recovery to retrieve the lost data without affecting other PDBs. • Secure separation of administrative duties A user account is common, which means that it can connect to any container on which it has privileges, or local, which means that it is restricted to a specific PDB. A CDB administrator can use a common user account to manage the CDB. A PDB administrator uses a local account to manage an individual PDB. Because a privilege is contained within the container in which it is granted, a local user on one PDB does not have privileges on other PDBs within the same CDB. • Ease of performance tuning It is easier to collect performance metrics for a single database than for multiple databases. It is easier to size one SGA than 100 SGAs. • Support for Oracle Database Resource Manager In a multitenant environment, one concern is contention for system resources among the PDBs running on the same computer. Another concern is limiting resource usage for more consistent, predictable performance. To address such resource contention, usage, and monitoring issues, you can use Oracle Database Resource Manager (see “Database Resource Manager”). • Fewer database patches and upgrades It is easier to apply a patch to one database than to 100 databases, and to upgrade one database than to upgrade 100 databases. Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I 9 - 29
What is the cloud Defined “as a Service” IaaS Compute Storage Network PaaS Data BI Java Mobile IoT SaaS HCM ERP CRM PLM Cloud is here and now New businesses and enterprises are adopting the cloud
Oracle Database as a Service Automated Infrastructure and Database Administration 11g 12c Compute Shape CPU and Memory On-Demand Block and Object Storage Upsize, add archives all with encryption Upgrade and Patch Upgrade automation Point-in-time Recovery Recover from human error Point-to-point Networking Open just the ports you need Service Integration Add PaaS offerings when Needed 31:30 Post install Small part of automated services Automation saves cost Cost is the top IT spend In addition to provisioning automation THEME 1: intelligent automation optimizes top database management activities; keeps you on the golden path Automation reduces human error, and human variation; a consistent fleet is an easier fleet to manage Compute shape; inventory, shut down, re-apply inventory on new larger size, assistants kick in and increase memory Block and object; can add storage on the fly, inventory to be updated Upgrade and Patch: new oracle home, shutdown and remount Java service; will require networking to open the JDBC connection pools Robust automation reduces administrative time and promotes standardization improving manageability and availability
Oracle Database Cloud Service Rich DBaaS Tools and Web User Interfaces Oracle Confidential - For Internal Use Only