1. What is the pH range of acids?
2. What pH is neutral? 7
3. What is the pH range of bases?
4. What gas causes acid rain?
4. What gas causes acid rain? Sulfur Dioxide SO2 combines with water vapor to form an acid (sulfuric acid)
5. Why is the ozone layer important? Protects us from harmful Ultraviolet light
5. What chemical destroys the ozone layer? CFCs - chloroflurocarbons
7. What 2 elements does a compound have in order to be classified as organic? C and H Example: C6H12O6
8. What are two functions of lipids? Part of the cell membrane
8. What are two functions of lipids? Stored energy Insulation
9. What are two functions of protein in living things? enzymes muscle
9. What are two functions of protein in living things? hormones receptors
10. What are two ways atoms can bond to each other? Ionic bonding covalent bonding
11. What is an ion? An atom with an electrical charge formed by gaining or losing an electron
12. Name two examples of carbohydrates. glycogen glucose
13. What are two functions of carbohydrates? energy
13. What are two functions of carbohydrates? Structure – Cellulose in cell walls
14. What is the function of glucose in living things? energy
15. What process is the information in DNA for? Amino acids
15. What process is the information in DNA for? Amino acids Making proteins
Before – cow protein After – Human protein Cell in a human
16. What are the building blocks of carbohydrates? Simple sugars – monosaccharides
17. What are the building blocks of protein? Proteins are Absolutely Awesome M C I I N D O S
18. What are the building blocks of nucleic acids? nucleotides
18. What are the building blocks of nucleic acids? nucleotide RNA DNA
19. What are the four most common elements in living things? C H O N arbon ydrogen xygen itrogen
20. What element is in protein, but not in carbohydrates and lipids? nitrogen