BELLWORK: 9/18 Summarize the German retreat and “road to Berlin” as a result of Stalingrad/D-day. THINKER: In your opinion, what was the most important technological development of WWII? Why?
The Road to Berlin
IB History: Paper 2 - The Practices of the Second World War Technological Developments and Theaters of War – Land, Sea, Air
Land Strategies A U.S. reconnaissance unit searches for enemy snipers in Messina, Sicily, on August 1943
Artillery observers of the Fifth Army look over the German-held Italian town of San Vittore, in November 1943, before an artillery barrage to dislodge the Germans. During WWII, most land invasions were done with air support.
Tank (German Tigers vs. Soviet T-34) Tiger Tank: T-34:
Machine Guns
Other WWII Artillery Self-Propelled Guns/Tanks Battleships
BELLWORK: 9/20 Why were the Allies victorious in the Battle of the Atlantic? THINKER: Why was WWII a TOTAL WAR?
Battle of the Atlantic
WWII Naval Strategy
Radar/Sonar How radar works: How sonar works:
Amphibious Vehicles
Use of amphibious vehicles was key to land invasions
WWII Air Strategy Wieluń, the first Polish city destroyed by Luftwaffe bombing (Sept. 1939) German bombers destroyed 75% of all the buildings, including a clearly marked hospital and the historic Gothic church, killing approximately 1,200 civilians
Before (left) and after (right) the Luftwaffe Bombing of Frampol, Poland. It was a practice run for future missions & almost totally destroyed the city. 90% of the town's infrastructure was destroyed; only two streets remained untouched.
Allied Bombing After the introduction of the P51B Mustang in 1944, the bombing campaign intensified and they were able to take on Luftwaffe fighters. By June 1944, the Germans were not able to recover and the Allies had total air superiority.
Dresden, Germany after the bombing raid
A B-24 bombing raid over oil refineries in Romania
German Cities Destroyed by bombing Hagen 67 / 100 Hamburg* 75 / 100 Hanover 60 / 100 Kassel 69 / 100 Kiel 50 / 100 Leipzig* 20 / 100 Magdeburg 41 / 100 Mainz 80 / 100 Mannheim 64 / 100 Munich* 42 / 100 Nuremberg 51 / 100 Stettin 53 / 100 Berlin* 33 / 100 Bochum 83 / 100 Bremen 60 / 100 Chemnitz 41 / 100 Cologne* 61 / 100 Dessau Dortmund* 54 / 100 Dresden* 59 / 100 Duisburg 48 / 100 Düsseldorf* 64 / 100 Essen* 50 / 100 Frankfurt* 52 / 100 * Indicates cities with a population over 500,000
Bombing Casualties 60,595 British civilians 160,000 airmen (Europe) More than 500,000 Soviet civilians 67,078 French civilians 305,000–600,000 civilians in Germany 50,000 Italians killed by Allied bombing
Incendiary Bombs Bombers:
Dive-Bombers and Combat Aircraft
Why was WWII a “Total War?” List as many reasons as possible!
WWII as a “Total War” Fullest mobilization possible…… Utilize all human & material resources Mobilization of the homefront (Victory gardens, bonds, rationing) Conscription Use of propaganda in daily life Government used all weapons at their disposal Government developed new weapons capable of high death tolls Civilian/population centers were targets Goals of the countries involved were “total:” Germany: total domination and takeover of USSR/Europe & elimination of inferior races Japan: sphere of influence, establish Asian dependency, political/economic/racial domination in Asia
Air vs. Land vs. Sea Tactics: Review Posters In order to review over the land, sea and air tactics, weaponry and operations of WWII in Europe, you will create a review poster in a group. This can be simple! Do not need to do pictures, graphs, charts…..yet….. Summarize MAIN ideas for review! Use book, operations worksheet, video clip notes, weapon research, etc. Will be used as review before we transition to Pacific
What should you include??? Overall tactics/strategies Allied strengths/weaknesses Axis strengths/weaknesses Important technological/military developments How this impacted key operations in Europe How this impacted WWII
Short/Immediate Effects HOMEWORK – due Friday! “The Effects of the Second World War” pages 190-195 Take notes on long vs. short term effects (focus on cultural, political, economic!) Short/Immediate Effects Long Term Effects Superpowers Cultural Destruction Economic Recovery (role of U.S. & Marshall Plan) War Crime Trials Cause of Cold War Creation of the UN Decolonization