Subject pronouns in French and the verb to be Dr. Silvestri
There are 9 subject pronouns in French I=Je (J’ when next word starts with vowel) We=Nous You = Tu/Vous You guys=Vous He= Il/She= Elle They= Ils/Elles On = one/we * On is used in general sentences like this “One/we must study” or “Are we going to the movies?”. It replaces the “you” for everyone in English. ** Please note that there are 2 yous in French. One is for family and friends (tu) and the other is for everyone else (vous). Vous is also the plural you. How do you tell which it is? Context. *** Please note that for “they” the “elles” form is only used for a group of girls. For mixed gender or for a group of boys, use “ils”.
Never leave out the subject pronoun in a sentence/question in French. Je suis intelligent. Question: Suis-je intelligent? What do you notice about placement of the subject pronoun and verb?
Tu es/vous êtes vous êtes Il/elle est Ils/elles sont The verb to be= être Je suis Nous sommes Tu es/vous êtes vous êtes Il/elle est Ils/elles sont ** in French, each subject pronoun has a different form of the verb.