Direct Objects (DO) & Direct Object Pronouns (DOP)
What we did was use a direct object pronoun to shorten the paragraph and make it flow. A direct object pronoun replaces a direct object.
What the garbage is a DIRECT OBJECT (DO) HUH? Was that even English? What the garbage is a DIRECT OBJECT (DO) let alone a DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN (DOP)?
I looked at the _________. cookies A direct object (DO) ________ ________ the action of the verb. directly receives I looked at the _________. cookies The cookies received the action...I looked at them. I looked at _________. the girl The girl received the action...I looked at her. I ate the _________. cookies The cookies received the action...I looked at them.
A DO answers the question ______ or ______ is impacted by the action. who what A DO is _____the subject of the sentence. A Subject ________ the action. A DO ________ the action. NOT DOES RECEIVES
Underline the DO in these sentences, STP. Circle the SUBJECT in these sentences, STP. She did not answer her cell phone when it rang. Schepeez called my parents yesterday. He bought our advisory bagels.
So, we know what a DO is now, right? Let’s talk about DOPs... A DOP _______ the DO because it is a _______. replaces pronoun ________ replace nouns. Here are the DOPs in English: Pronouns me us you ya’ll him/her them
A Subject > ________ the action. A Direct Object (DO) > ________ the action. A Direct Object Pronoun (DOP) > ________ the DO. does receives replaces
> In French, we will also use DOPs to improve our writing (just like in English). Les DOPs en anglais Les DOPs en français me us me nous > you ya’ll te vous him/her them le/la les
~Le Rock des DOPS!~ DOP, DOP, DOP Rock DOPs ‘round the clock! me nous te vous That’s the DOP… That’s the DOP Rock! le/la les
me nous te vous le/la les Well, how do we use them? So, we know what the DOPs are for and what they look like, right? A DOP ________ a DO which ________ ________ the action. replaces directly receives me nous te vous le/la les Well, how do we use them?
First, we must decide which DOP we need~ Well, how do we use DOPs? First, we must decide which DOP we need~ (who/what is receiving the action?) me nous te vous le/la les
the sentence where it belongs. Well, how do we use DOPs? then we need to put it in the sentence where it belongs. A DOP always goes in front of the ________ that affects it. It can go in front of a ____________ ________. It can go in front of an ________ (if there is one). verb conjugated verb infinitive
Well, how do we use DOPs? agree A DOP must ________ with the DO that it replaces. Masculine or Feminine Singular or Plural
Well, how do we use DOPs? la les ~Modèles~ Je mange la pomme. Tu vas frapper les oeufs. je tu The Subject is _______. The DO is _______. The DOP is _______. The Subject is _______. The DO is _______. The DOP is _______. la pomme les oeufs la les la les Je _______ mange. Tu vas _______ frapper.
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