Being fluent readers and writers Name: Date: Teacher: Unit 2: 7th grade 4) Bigger Picture: 2) Last Unit 1) Current Unit 3) Next Unit Being fluent readers and writers Literary Non-Fiction and Poetry Fiction and Drama Informational Text 8) Unit Schedule 8) Unit Schedule 10/3 Launch UO 10/5 Begin comedy of Errors Act 1 5) Unit Map Is about… Vital Vocab: Stage directions Dialogue Exposition Rising action Climax Falling action Resolution Point of View Theme Conflict writing Identifying and explaining Patriot’s Pen Multi-Paragraph essays 7.17A The impact of stage directions and dialogue in drama 7.5A experiencing a variety of diverse cultures through literature by...7.5/7.6 Explaining analyzing analyzing analyzing How setting impacts Theme 7.3 The relationship between setting and plot development 7.6A Character motivations and conflict 7.6b Different points of view 7/6c 7) Unit Self-Test Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. How can stage directions add meaning to a scene in a play? 6) Unit Relation-ships Identifying Explaining Analyzing Writing In what ways can setting affect the plot of a story? How does changing the point of view of a story affect what the reader knows? How do you determine a theme for a story?
Unit 2 7th grade: Student Version Name: Date: Teacher: Unit 2 7th grade: Student Version 4) Bigger Picture: 2) Last Unit 1) Current Unit 3) Next Unit Literary Non-Fiction and Poetry 8) Unit Schedule 5) Unit Map Is about… Vital Vocab: Stage directions Dialogue Exposition Rising action Climax Falling action Resolution Point of View Theme Conflict writing Identifying and explaining Explaining analyzing analyzing 7) Unit Self-Test Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. How can stage directions 6) Unit Relation-ships In what ways can setting How does changing the How do you determine
Current unit: Fiction and Drama writing Multi-Paragraph essays Is about… 9) Expanded map Identifying and explaining Explaining Understanding, making inferences, and drawing conclusions about drama and fiction. 7.5/7.6 Elements of drama analyzing Theme Plot development and setting analyzing Dialogue Setting is- Character motivations and point of view Theme is…. A B C 1st- 2nd- 3rd- Stage directions Conflict Questions:
Current unit: fiction and Drama writing Teacher’s Guide Multi-Paragraph essays 9) Expanded map Identifying and explaining Is about… Explaining Understanding, making inferences, and drawing conclusions about drama and fiction. 7.5/7.6 Elements of drama analyzing Theme Plot development and setting analyzing Dialogue Setting is- Character motivations and point of view Theme is…. A B C Hook and Answer Put the definitions here 1st- 2nd- 3rd- Back it up- with example Stage directions What pronouns to look for Define and example Back it up- with example Conflict Define and label Conclude- why people should care Internal and external Questions: