Yahoo Big Idea Chair Awards 2016 Submission Form
Introduction Yahoo Big Idea Chair Awards 2016 is a unique proprietary award that recognizes outstanding work in the online creative community. Whether you’re a digital creative pioneer, enterprising marketer, daring agency strategist, media guru or someone who defies all traditional roles, this is the award show for you!
Entry Submission North Asia Award Category ( Maximum Up to 2 Awards) Best Content Marketing Campaign Best Video Strategy Best Mobile Strategy Best Native Ad Campaign Best Rich Media Campaign North Asia Big Idea Chair Award 3
Campaign Information Details Country [input here] Advertiser Media Agency Creative Agency Campaign Name IO (Insertion Order) No. Campaign Booking Period (must be within July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016) Submitted By Contact Person Company Name Email Contact No. 4
Please provide the logo In high-resolution Company Logo Please provide the logo In high-resolution 5
Entry Video Link (Optional but highly recommended) Please provide a video in resolutions of at least 720dpi; in the screen ratio of 16:9; and in the format of mpeg or wmv. The video can also be uploaded to any video-sharing website, such as YouTube; please set the privacy settings to “Unlisted” and provide the link in the space below. 6
Campaign Objective & Target Audience Provide the campaign background, objective(s) and other relevant information (In less than 200 words; can be in point form) 7
Strategies Describe major creative(s), media strategies, and rationale, with examples. Visual presentation is highly preferred. (in less than 200 words; can be in point form) 8
Execution An overview of ad implementation, with examples of all the different elements included within the campaign and how it links to the landing page. Visual presentation is highly preferred. 9
Results Please provide notable outcome and evidence on how you achieved your objectives and/or overcame challenges. (In less than 200 words; can be in point form). For details of the Judging Criteria and Weighting, please refer to 10
Demo URL / Screen Cap of Ad Creative Please provide demo URL(s) and screen cap(s) of the works, or URL(s) of the campaign video. For Best Search Campaign, please provide screen cap(s) of the search result page. 11
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