Transitioning into the workplace
What is the problem? Disabled people make up nearly half of unemployed and economically inactive people in Britain. Around 120,000 young people with SEND enter the labour market each year, with a chance of becoming unemployed that is up to four times higher than average. The flow of young people with SEND transitioning into unemployment must be stemmed. Young disabled people must be provided the tools and support necessary to transition into adulthood and gain employment.
How could young people be helped to do better?
Benefits & Results Ambition and belief: a presumption of employability from the outset Assistive technology: enabling communication, training & support Early experience: of work, and peer-group role modelling Place, train and maintain: model, as part of personal study programmes Job coaches: providing personalised support and task-based instruction Access to Work: funding to support job coaches to traineeships Recognition: for employers who become Disability Confident Engagement: with schools, colleges, recruitments agencies Parental trust: builds confidence in parents that support is available Awareness: public promotion of success stories
What would make the difference? Employers working in partnership with education and training providers. Equipping young disabled people with the right assistive tools and training to fairly transition into the workplace. A strong focus on the SEND dimension throughout the complicated careers advice system, to raise the currently poor employment outcomes. Job coaches to mentor and tackle in-work problems for employer and employee. Graphical guide: develop and promote a simple visual guide, to show support available at various milestones.
The employment journey
Ideas for the future; Transition ‘passports’ to demystify support needed to help individuals succeed in work. Students with SEND or a declared disability, to leave education with a technology and condition passport that describes the kind of support they need and assistive tools required. Passports would ensure the right candidate is recruited irrelevant of disability.
Passport to transition Simple tools enabling effective communication and releasing young people’s untapped potential. ASSISTIVE SOFTWARE ASSISTIVE HARDWARE TRAINING AND MENTORING WORKPLACE COPING STRATEGIES
An inclusive transition strategy Improved careers education and guidance Robust workplace experience for all young people. Department for Education’s forthcoming careers strategy should address concerns about the National Careers Service, the Careers and Enterprise Company and their partners to take steps to improve outcomes for young people with SEND. Realign careers and disability advice alongside specialist expertise from the beginning.
This could also include: Include a specific SEND strand to prime minister’s proposed mentoring programme. Ensure LEP enterprise coordinators and advisers are aware of SEND careers and employment issues, and help schools build them into their plans. Promote positive role models and case studies through Employer Ambassador Networks expanding opportunities in the workplace. Brokerage service to connect schools, colleges and employers for opportunities for SEND pupils. Improve data collection on effectiveness of careers services for those with SEND.
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