Sept 28 , 2017 You need your journals English I Pre-AP Sept 28 , 2017 You need your journals
9/26 Learning Target Today We Will: Take the Animal Farm Quiz for chapters 5-7 So We Can: Assess our comprehension over these chapters I’ll know I have it when I can: make an 85 or better on the quiz
Due Today/Friday Animal Farm Quiz over chapters 5-7 today. 20 mc questions. Prepositions practice due Friday.
Quiz Take the quiz-be sure to log into your google drive
Complete the Animal Farm handout You will need to read chapters 8-10. Answer in paragraphs, not single sentences. You may work together, but your answers/sentences must be your own words. Submit to Moodle Finished? Start reviewing for Animal Farm test on 10/12 (Thursday).
9/28 Learning Target Today We Will: Take the Animal Farm Quiz for chapters 5-7 So We Can: Assess our comprehension over these chapters I’ll know I have it when I can: make an 85 or better on the quiz
Animal Farm Calendar Chapters 1-4 Thursday 9/21 Chapters 5-7 Tuesday 9/26 Chapters 8-10 Tuesday 10/3 Final Exam Thursday 10/12
Big Questions English I Pre-AP Search for Identity Why do humans seek class structure in society? How can we change society? What makes a great friend? What would you do for a friend?
What is an allegory Add this defn to Animal Farm notes: Definiton of allegory: story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. "Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory of the spiritual journey
9/29 Learning Target Today We Will: Complete our CBA So We Can: Assess our strengths and weaknesses I’ll know I have it when I can: make an 85 or better on the CBA using text evidence
Reflection In journal: What did you learn from the research? Eraser – What do you need to correct/fix? Highlighter- Where do you need to focus your attention? Paper Clip- What do you need to hold onto/remember? Puzzle Piece- What confused you? Rubber Band- What did you learn? Where did you grow? What stretched your thinking?
CBA Please put your name at the top Use highlighters Must use text evidence for 1-9. Must be actual words from the story. It can be as few as 2/3 words. This text evidence must be next to your chosen answer. Highlighting or putting “paragraph 3” is not sufficient. Question #8 should read “In what way are Sarita and the narrator in Hound Dog the same.” For questions 10-15, briefly cite the grammar rule next to the answer. Bring it to me to check when finished. Finished? Bubble your answers.
Email/Bubble Instructions
Communist Manifesto In groups of three to four, complete the Guided Reading for Communist Manifesto. The Communist Manifesto was written in 1848 in the midst of European upheaval, a time when capitalist industrialization had spread from England to France and Germany. Marx and Engels were Germans who studied and worked in France and England. In the Manifesto, they imagine a revolution that will transform all of Europe. What is a manifesto? Based on the word, what do you think the authors might want to accomplish?
PDF OF Animal Farm