Do Now – Level 0 K W L Create a KWL chart about September 11th. Do not fill in the L yet. K W L What do you know about 9/11? What do you want to know about 9/11? What did you learn about 9/11?
Homework Read and annotate the article on Mesopotamia. Answer the questions using textual evidence.
Remembering September 11th Ss will only need loose leaf paper. Treviño Kimble/Ramos/Mann
9/11: What Happened? The History Channel, 9/11 Attacks
Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives The Facts 4 Aircrafts were hijacked by Al Qaeda, an Islamist extremist group 2 planes crashed into the World Trade Center (WTC) WTC North and South Towers collapsed WTC building 7 also collapsed 1 crashed into the US Pentagon 1 was retaken by passengers; crashed into an empty field in PA No survivors Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives Say: Though most reports focus on the WTC, a total of 4 aircrafts were hijacked. Ask: What does “extremist” mean? Say: We will learn more about extremism and Islam later in the course. However, it is important to note that not all Muslims are violent or extremists. In fact, only a very small percentage are.
Effects How did the USA change after the attacks? Tightened security in airports and public places Established the Department of Homeland Security Leads the “War on Terror” Say: The War on Terror has changed America and the world in ways we could not have foreseen 14 years ago. Examples: The Patriot Act, TSA searches, anti-Islamic movements
The Survivor Steps of Vesey St. “They were the path to freedom.” Kayla Bergeron, Chief of Public & Government Affairs, Port Authority of NY & NJ Not all of the discussion questions need to be covered, but all are included.
How did the damage to the North and South towers differ? Discussion Question #1 How did the damage to the North and South towers differ?
Discussion Question #2 The vast majority of people below the impact zones in the Towers survived. Why is there such a disparity between below and above impact zones? How did the differing states of stairwells in the North & South towers after the crashes dictate survival for those above the impact zones?
Discussion Question #3 The vast majority of people below the impact zones in the Towers survived. Why is there such a disparity between below and above impact zones? How did the differing states of stairwells in the North & South towers after the crashes dictate survival for those above the impact zones?
Discussion Question #4 Why is it important to include the Versey Street Survivor Stairs in the 9/11 Memorial Museum?
The Survivor Steps of Vesey St. Tom Canavan, Oral History Transcript an.mp3
Discussion Question #5 After the collapse, Tom tells the security guard with him, “Either you’ll burn to death or you’ll suffocate down here, and I’m not going to do either one of those. So if you want to come with me, I’m leaving.” Do you think his attitude helped in his survival? Why?
Discussion Question #6 Why did Tom tell himself he was seeing mannequins as he clawed his way out of the debris after the collapse of the South Tower?
Discussion Question #7 When Tom arrives at the hospital, he is stunned that the doctors and nurses had nothing to do. Why is this such a surprise to him?
Discussion Question #8 Why didn’t the full impact of the Towers’ collapse hit Tom until he was home?
Exit Ticket Complete your KWL chart. List 3 things you learned in class. Write a 3-5 sentence paragraph explaining why the Versey Street Survivor Staircase is a critically important artifact at the 9/11 Memorial Museum in NYC.