Factors Affecting Food Choices Directions: for each of the following quotes, identify the factor influencing that choice.
“Escargot? How can French people bear to eat snails?” Quote #1 “Escargot? How can French people bear to eat snails?”
“Mom, lets buy that new Coco-Crunchy cereal we saw on TV.” Quote #2 “Mom, lets buy that new Coco-Crunchy cereal we saw on TV.”
Quote #3 “The simplest of dishes always taste so much better when shared with friends at our potluck dinners.”
Quote #4 “Let’s have creamed corn and sweet potatoes like the Pilgrims had for their first Thanksgiving dinner.”
“Let’s bake some brownies. That will cheer you up!” Quote #5 “Let’s bake some brownies. That will cheer you up!”
Quote #6 “We celebrate our holidays with real soul food like turnip greens and hamhocks.”
“When I lived in the Southwest we had tamales every Friday night.” Quote #7 “When I lived in the Southwest we had tamales every Friday night.”
Quote #8 “Mrs. Johnson decided to serve filet mignon because she wanted to impress her new employer.”
Quote #9 “I must turn down the prime rib. Like other followers of the Hindu faith, I believe the cow is sacred.”
Quote #10 “Buffalo wings are one of my favorites. I like almost anything that is hot and spicy.”
Quote #11 “I’m going to try this new butter substitute just approved by the FDA. Its supposed to be better for you than butter.”
How can identifying the way we eat and why we eat be beneficial? Conclusion How can identifying the way we eat and why we eat be beneficial?