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1 2 3 4 Before We Get Started…. Turn off/mute all cell phones. Save all questions for after the meeting. 2 Keep movement to a minimum during the overview place. 3 4 Enjoy your time with us!
We Need Your Help in 3 Areas We Are Looking For New Clients We Are Looking For New Part-time Agents We Are Looking For Referrals
Founded in 1977 Listed on the New York Stock Exchange (PRI) Primerica is the largest independent financial services marketing organization in North America. Founded in 1977 Listed on the New York Stock Exchange (PRI) ©2015 Primerica 49617/US/15POL154-4/10.15
About Primerica Our Mission: What We Do: We Offer: To help families earn more income and become properly protected, debt free and financially independent. What We Do: We teach people how money works so they can make informed decisions about how to take control of their finances. We Offer: We offer a variety of products and services designed to help people achieve their financial goals.
Primerica’s Strategic Partners
Today’s Financial Challenges The average American household with at least one credit card has nearly $15,950 in credit card debt., viewed July 11, 2014 95 million U.S. adults have no life insurance., July 8, 2013 More than two-thirds in the U.S. live paycheck to paycheck., January 23, 2013 More than half of workers have less than $25,000 saved for retirement. Employee Benefit Research Institute, 2014 Retirement Confidence Survey Primerica provides financial education to solve these challenges.
3 Reasons Why People Fail Lack Financial Literacy. Lack A Financial Gameplan. Lack The Proper Financial Relationships.
We Are Looking For New Clients HOW WE HELP FAMILIES
Most People Don’t Plan to Fail, They Fail to Plan The Problem: Traditional financial institutions sell products; they don’t provide a financial game plan.
Most People Don’t Plan to Fail, They Fail to Plan The Solution: A Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) A complimentary, confidential and customized program that helps you achieve your goals and dreams Savings Debt Elimination Income Protection Income Management The FNA provides solutions in these areas:
Financial Needs Analysis John & Mary, Age 30, With Two Children Before FNA After FNA Debt: Debt:2 $165,000 1st mortgage balance; 24 years remaining. Primerica DebtWatchers™ John and Mary paid off mortgage and all credit cards in 20 years (age 50) using Fast Pay Plan. $13,000 on three credit cards; payoff in 58 years (making minimum payments). In debt until age 88. Saved over $56,000 in interest and over 4 years of mortgage payments with $0 extra payment! Life Insurance: Life Insurance/Income Protection:3 $150,000 coverage on John $150,000 coverage on Mary No protection on the children $400,000 coverage on John $400,000 coverage on Mary $10,000 on each of the children Cash value policy — $285/mo.* 35-year level term life insurance: $126/mo. ($159/month savings) A or B If you showed the A and B example to 10 families, how many of the 10 would switch from A to B?
Financial Needs Analysis John & Mary, Age 30, With Two Children Before FNA After FNA Legal Protection: Legal Protection:4 No Will and no access to a respected, full-service law firm. Set up a Will through the Primerica Legal Protection Program and access to a full-service law firm $25/mo. Auto & Homeowner’s Insurance: Auto & Homeowner’s Insurance:5 John and Mary were paying $243 per month for auto & home insurance. Saved: $65 per month on their auto and home insurance. ($65 per month for 20 years at 9% = $43,000 college fund) Retirement Plan: Retirement Plan:6 John & Mary had $20,000 in an IRA at their bank earning 1.5%, with $100 per month contributions. Accumulated savings at age 65 = $89,000 Rolled over $20,000 IRA into mutual funds. Monthly contributions increased to $259 ($100 + $159 savings from cash value life insurance). 6% rate of return: $533,316 at age 65 9% rate of return: $1,228,904 at age 65 A or B If you showed the A and B example to 10 families, how many of the 10 would switch from A to B?
Financial Needs Analysis On a scale of 1–10, 10 being the highest, how would you rate your desire to become properly protected, debt free and financially independent? We offer a free consultation to evaluate and improve your current plan.
We Are Looking For New Agents HOW WE GET PAID
How many part-time agents Business Income Level DebtWatchers $126 Life Insurance $20,000 IRA PLPP Auto & Home Total Part-Time (Agent) $48 $696 $355 $80 $55 $1,234 Reg. Vice President (Agency) $69 $1,532 $629 $125 $85 $2,440 Agency Override $21 $836 $274 $45 $30 $1,206 How many clients would you want to help? RVP How many part-time agents would you want to train?
Texas Licensing Requirements Life License Investment License Pre-licensing class $300 Fingerprinting $40 Exam Fee $50 Licensing Fee $200 If You Join Us…. WE COVER THE COST! Pre-licensing class $350 U-4 Application $900 -fingerprinting -exam fee -licensing fee If You Join Us…. WE COVER THE COST!
$124 Steps to Qualifying You must register for a Business Number The only thing that will disqualify an applicant is if they have a felony, fraud or theft in their background. Therefore, you must have a full background check completed which costs: $99 covers applicant background check and $25/mth covers online agent business tools (software, website, back office, etc.) $124 Plus $25/month
We Are Looking For Referrals WHO DO YOU KNOW….
Spread The Word…. We don’t knock doors and we don’t cold call. Our business is 100% referral based! If we have provided you with some level of financial value and understanding, all we ask is that you share at least 5-10 warm referrals to help us spread this great information!
Who Do You Know….. We are looking for individuals that: Desire to get out of debt Want to send kids to college Want to properly protect their income Desire to retire financially secure Need a legal Will to protect their assests Want to save 3 months of income in savings Would like to make extra part-time income
Definition of a Warm Referral Someone who knows my name(s). Someone who knows why I am calling. Someone who is willing to schedule a 15-20 minute appointment with me. *There is no obligation for them to do business*
Please Fill Out The Questionnaire… 1 – I would like to become a client and get a free consultation and financial game-plan. 2 - I would like to become a part-time agent and earn extra income. 3 – I am not interested but would like to become a referral source.
Thanks To You, I Am Open For Business!