Hardcopy Records, disposal, storage, and preservation. RIMS Brent West Jordan Phoenix Rich Gegg
2014 Survey of all campus BMGs
Could your current storage solution use some improvement?
First Steps Understand that you can and should dispose of documents after their business use has ended and their minimum retention has been met “I might need this, it may be useful in the future” is a noble sentiment but it can lead to serious issues
The consequences of over-retention
State Records Disposal Process Fill out General Records Inventory form Submit form to RIMS RIMS fills out and submits State forms RIMS receives State permission for disposal (Typically 30-45 days) RIMS notifies department of approval Department makes arrangements for disposal
What if I can’t dispose of my records yet? Continue to store them inside the department But we don’t have any more space/we are moving! Transfer the documents to the RIMS records facility
How much will that cost us? RIMS records facility storage is a no cost service Moving fees apply when using Campus Movers Campus Movers can be booked using the my.FS portal
Can I just scan it all? Scanning is expensive ($200+ per box) Bulk scanning with reliable results is not easy Most inactive records are rarely accessed
What Records can I Transfer? Documents that are inactive and are not needed for current unit business Documents that are University records Documents that have not yet surpassed their minimum required retention
Transfer Process Put the records in standard banker boxes (if not already) Available from Office Max through i-Buy item #: P512770
Transfer Process Create inventory list of boxes Send inventory list to RIMS Contact campus movers and coordinate with RIMS to set move date and time
RIMS Records Facility Located on campus 2,880 box capacity Designed to moderate temperature and humidity Secured against unauthorized access
RIMS Records Facility
Accessing documents in the records facility Department contacts RIMS to request required file File will be retrieved and made available within 3-5 business days
What the record facility is not A place to store active records A place to store equipment or supplies A place to house Archival materials
Thank you RIMSgroup@uillinois.edu go.uillinois.edu/rims