The secret life of the Blue morpho butterfly By Isabel M-M
Blue Morpho butterfly their movement Blue Morpho butterflies click when they spread or move their wings because it makes them sound like leafcutter ants so their predators won`t hunt them down. They are fast flyers although adults spend most of their time on the forest floor to get away from danger. They can soar through the air as high and low as a harpy eagle because they`ve got long wide wings.
Their strange habitat They live high up in brown twisting and twirling trees because their predators can not see them in the big tufts of emerald leaves. They are found in Mexican, Canadian and American rainforests.
The secret life of the Blue Morpho butterfly Blue Morpho butterflies are easy to spot but they are hard to catch, they are fast flyers which is helpful for them to escape predators. A blue morpho butterfly is an insect.
Their appearance Blue morpho butterflies have two fore wings and two hind wings . The two fore wings are to fly with and the two hind wings are to support them. They aren't dull brown colours they are bright blue, shimmering colours. Blue morpho butterflies have tiny scales on their wings that reflect in the light, so that when they are flying at night animals don’t bang into them for they are very fragile.
Their diet They use their probicus to eat with because it is thin so it is easier for them to pick up their food to eat it. They eat rotting and fermenting fruit because they think it is tasty however first they sip the juice out of the rotting fruit. Also they suck the nectar out of the middle of flowers.
Their eggs Blue morpho butterflies lay their eggs on the forest floor the eggs soon hatch. After that they turn into caterpillars and then finally into Blue Morpho butterflies.
Danger These animals are fascinating creatures, help them be safe in the rainforest. The rainforest is a dangerous place but home to many different species of animals.